Why akki fails ~

Day 493, 16:51 Published in Japan Pakistan by WaseemK

I'm not sure if everyone remembers.

> http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/official-statement-very-important-please-read--693541/1/20
The Secret Service doesn't exist anymore, and I refrained from telling anyone about them because I didn't want people to think they can't speak about LEGAL things... My relationship with Akki went sour afterwords.Anyways whatever... But isn't it ironic, that he continues to make attacks at me....It basically got to the point where he took away my admin powers and basically banned me from posting on the forums. (histerical isn't it? Brings me back to kindergarten)
What happened
So the forums I essentially brought in for the Japanese People during my Presidency; (Bolgash should be mentioned here) I am now getting censored and blocked from by akki, all right before I get to say my side of the story.. Just Ironic isn't it. And now akki, the idiot that he is, goes ahead and writes a personal attack against me( 2 Paragraphs long) without even knowing my side of the story. And if you notice most of his points are as if he actually knows what my intentions are; and there's no factual proof on top of it all. There's a saying that goes "People rather assume the worst then observe the best"... Our President akki, is a Prime example of it; and its a most disgusting characteristic for someone to have. There are so many other things I haven't even pointed out, and I feel there should be a level of respect to have here; unfortunately I don't think I can say the same for akki. After I lol'd; I was like wtf, because I really don't know where all this coming from hence the advice on keeping a grudge.
Returning to my first paragraph, I couldn't help but think that he is still holding onto a grudge. So I got a little something for you. Look into the comments

My conclusion is: A congressmen posted " 5%,5%, 2%" .. Several congressmen posted similar statistics after that. It got to the point where we needed some verification and I thought it was appropriate to submit it. Ofcourse I assumed that "5,5,2" was Value added tax, Import Tax, Income Tax because that's the order it was presented in eRepublik. And then this whole thing gets blown up and akki jumps to the point where he thinks I'm trying to sneak through my own policies in. (I honestly lol'd for a long time, at how ridiculous he got)..
I won't visit the forums anymore.(Already took it out of speed dial. Opera ftw)
And even if I wanted to, don't think it's really worth it now that I am being "censored". Anyways, have fun on the forums. Just don't say anything too meaningfull or actually don't even think you have freedom of speech because the eRep's Admi...errr NO Akki will just censor you.

P.S format is shitty on here I know