Who will you vote?

Day 715, 09:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by ben clew

So it is the election time again, but who will you choose to be your next country president? Will it be a second term for Mr Woldy or will it be Altmer Vampire that steals the presidency away from him.

Mr Woldy is supported by The Unity Party and the people Communist party.

Altmer Vampire is supported by the Radical Freethinkers Alliance, The British Empire Party and The Free Democratic Party

I thought that it would be a good idea to have an incline into who is the favourite so I will keep a poll running on this paper and if you post a comment I will add your result in but if you want to remain anonymous then PM me and I will still add your vote without your name. I will cast my vote to start off with.

Please also remember to vote for the paper as then it will attract more interest and a more accurate result will be found.


Mr Woldy: IIIII (5)
Altmer Vampire: II (2)