Who wants to play a game?

Day 919, 00:14 Published in Australia Australia by patti11

Yo yo yo,

Australia, today a fantastic idea came to my head. Why not publish articles, that are of hypothetical conversations! This idea shocked even myself at first, and I have decided I may make a series out of it. Enough talk however, lets get straight into the game!

Hypothetical Situation #1 hander_woward vs Vtheodoria_Eulpine

Hypothetical Location: A public place, with 1000's of onlookers.

hander_woward : hander is an Indonesian citizen, who in his past life was the President of Indonesia, although noone really cared because it is suspected multis voted him in. hander has a problem, you see, Indonesia HATE HIM, becuase he lost them their most valuable region not only ONCE, by TWICE. This, coupled with the fact his arch rival continues to taunt him, has led him to state of sheer butthurttary,

Vtheodoria_Eulpine : Vtheodoria_Eulpine, or affectionately known as VE, is an Australian citizen. Loved by all, VE trawls the internet for lulz wherever she can find it. It is rumoured she trolls people, but this is unconfirmed.

Hypothetical Topic: Why is hander so butthurt?

________________________________________ _____________________________________
hander_woward alo
hander_woward i can't into ausrep
Vtheodoria_Eulpine Of course, everyone hates you.
hander_woward ...
hander_woward what about u?
hander_woward make a kitty eye
Vtheodoria_Eulpine Well i have a negitive disposition to you.
hander_woward LOL
Vtheodoria_Eulpine That means your in the Red.
hander_woward uh no
hander_woward danced like Mad Hatter
Vtheodoria_Eulpine Okay mate, dance, this is just amusing me.
hander_woward okie
hander_woward now
hander_woward what do u want to talk about?
Vtheodoria_Eulpine Okay, I can be a reasonable girl, but; you're idiocy in eRep is driving me into insanity. I'd like to make it clear that if you don't stop, you'll get the biggest flame. Ever.
hander_woward come on
hander_woward it's patti
hander_woward driving me this way
hander_woward i love cerri
hander_woward and i like her
Vtheodoria_Eulpine Cerri's gone
Vtheodoria_Eulpine She hasn't been in IRC for.. I don't know.
Vtheodoria_Eulpine 3 weeks.
hander_woward too bad
hander_woward i am vengeful
Vtheodoria_Eulpine And by the way, Cerri is married.
hander_woward i know
hander_woward but i liked her
hander_woward more like best friend
hander_woward 😁
Vtheodoria_Eulpine Look you can't love a person on the internet.
hander_woward shrugs
Vtheodoria_Eulpine It's human fact.
hander_woward lol
hander_woward 😁
hander_woward Vtheodoria_Eulpine
Vtheodoria_Eulpine Cerri also hads kids, dude you can do better.
hander_woward hey
hander_woward don't treat me like freak here
Vtheodoria_Eulpine Don't treat us like shit.
hander_woward i regard cerri's vision for australia is the one i want
hander_woward it's patti11 who drove us madder than hell
Vtheodoria_Eulpine Cerri's vision? Hey let me ask #ausrep what was Cerri's Vision.
hander_woward and put you in this shit
Vtheodoria_Eulpine Huh; no answer.
hander_woward lol
hander_woward well
hander_woward what do you mean greatest flame ever?
Vtheodoria_Eulpine Something that only happens once.
hander_woward wow
hander_woward i think i'm gonna enjoy that
hander_woward please do sincerely give me a decent greatest flame ever
Vtheodoria_Eulpine No you won't.
Vtheodoria_Eulpine Okay you moron.
hander_woward thanks Vtheodoria_Eulpine
hander_woward and thank you for your patience
Vtheodoria_Eulpine Your a cheap, lying, no good, rotten, four-flushing, lowlife, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spiny-necked, worm-headed sack of monkey shit!
hander_woward applaud for your vocabulary
hander_woward well
hander_woward i have one for patti as well
hander_woward http://pastebin.com/Y8jXZc4r
Vtheodoria_Eulpine http://i619.photobucket.com/albums/tt278/compile/WF.png Congratulations, even google knows.
Vtheodoria_Eulpine I'm sorry, but the people of eAustralia have spoken for, We hate you. So much
Vtheodoria_Eulpine (.. so much..).

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There we have it! The first of my hypothetical situation game between two hypothetical characters over a hypothetical topic! What do you think about #1? What do you think about me making a series out of this game! Let me know!

With love,
