Who wants to be acting President?

Day 965, 17:51 Published in Singapore Singapore by Tommy Aquinas
If you do, comment below.

Its a week since the introduction of V2. The game is bugged and broken. People are leaving. PTOers are unbanned, and run amok. Conspiracy theories about admin and the !! button. The worst thing is that people are not even interested.

I picked a great cabinet. I have to commend Abdullah_australi, Tifididl, Cannon Ball McGee and Assiel for their work. But to be brutally honest, the rest havent done anything. Which is no reflection on them. I wouldn't want to do anything either with the game in this state. I don't blame them nor should they be blamed.

I planned my Presidential run for over two months, constantly defining and refining plans, policies and procedures. Looks great, looks really organised, but we don't seem to have people willing to put the time in to make it work. Again, I wouldnt blame them either. I have no desire to be here, and considering I spend way too much time on this game, I can only imagine the disinterest of those who spend less.

I can't resign because of the PTO'er. I would love to keep working my ass off, but whats the point? I know I was elected with a responsibility, but I can't and won't do it by myself. If by some miracle people decide that they want to be active and help out purposefully then I'll stay and work with them. Otherwise:

What I will do immediately is:

* Restrict access to all orgs (I'll leave the military orgs to the 3 military lads, and the noob org to abdullah)
* Look for willing volunteers to do some basic jobs

For the rest of the term, I will do the following:

* Respond to pms
* Keep the money market stabilised
* Make any proposals that I am asked to make
* Hand over responsibility to the acting President and/or keep things safe till the next election.

For my friends that I've made, I'll give you my private email to keep in touch. This is a sad day, and a sad time for me and for eRepublik. Although my fiancé will be delighted as she hates this game. Apologies for this action, and for the gross and utter incompetence of a group of professionals in the form of designers and administrators of this game for what you have had to go through through.

Wishing you and Singapore the best,

Tommy Aquinas
Lukewarm President

P.S. Singapore still can into Paris