Who to vote for in Texas! (NoneSuch)

Day 488, 09:05 Published in USA USA by NoneSuch

Once again, I'm not actually going to try and win in Texas. I just vowed that if I chose to run for Congress again it would only be in Texas, my home state. So instead of writing a platform, I'm just going to talk about everyone else running in Texas.

- The USWP -

Skykill... Who? He's ranked 1397, 60 more ranks and he's pretty darn 1337. He's played for 3 months and has apparently ran for Congress in Texas before. He's written 2 articles total, 1 being a single sentence and the other about recycling. As misguided as he may be, he'd be an "okay" addition to Congress. It would be more of a learning experience for him than anything.

Scrabman... Who? Just joking, who doesn't know Scrabman? His platform is a link to the forums just announcing that he's running in Texas because he doesn't want to run in Florida or something. He also mentions Emerick... He's been in Congress 4 times, "helped" me write the Constitution (still in progress), and has a fetish with Scrabble and Spock. He also got 2nd place in the last Presidential election and has actually been Party President of the USWP, quite an accomplishment, but not really. While Skykill is the officially endorsed candidate of the USWP, Scrabman deserves the vote. ProggyProp, wake up!

- The Libertarians -

Acend...Who? This guy actually caught my attention. He's a totally new face from what I can tell. He works for the Cowboy chain of companies, is ranked 965, doesn't have a newspaper, but still has a pretty dandy platform. I having trouble linking his platform, but here's the url...


Just look at that face! He also wears a collared shirt, +2 formal points.

Oh wow, I just looked at the rest of that website, he apparently works for a Mortgaging company in Houston, +20 has a good job points. He's also written numerous game reviews on some quite popular games. Winner Winner Chicken Dinner? VOTE FOR THIS GUY! It's not that I don't like Scrabman, it's just I like seeing new people in Congress.

- the conservatives -

Awrek...Who? Why do I not know any of these candidates? He's ranked 1430, has played for 4 months, and only has 12 friends... -1 friends points. He's seems like a decent guy but again, winning Congress would be too much of a learning experience for him and I don't know if he'd bring anything to the table.

Jon Malcom...Who? He's a 4-headed, smiling, colorful monster. He's ranked 1828, has played for a single month, and hasn't yet realized that we don't have an eAirforce. He's pretty active in the media from what I can tell, but to be honest, hasn't really contributed much.

- The AAP -

No one is running in Texas, oh well, less typing for me.

- The UIP -

Flaco Jimenez... Who? He's a massive gorilla giving you the finger, that's who he is. He's ranked 349, has played for 7 months (as long as me), is a self-announced businessman and military man, but only has a single article out. His platform is rather short, and he's for lower taxes. Sorry Flaco, you don't get my help this time...

NoneSuch... Who? Well, he's not a total idiot is all I'm going to say.

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Well, that's it for this month. So remember, vote for...whoever!