Who "The Newton" Is

Day 572, 15:42 Published in USA USA by Joe Newton

Hello everybody,

I'm Joe Newton. In the days following, I will be publishing articles that cover both Political, and Random things. Mostly Political mixed with some random things to lighten the mood. But before all that, I figured you would all like to know the person behind the mask..so to speak.

I'm a member of the CVP party. I'm rather active on the IRC, and getting much more active on the eusaforums. I joined erepublik 2 months ago.

I decided to name this "The Newton Factor" because I like to think I bring a unique "factor" to play. And then this newspaper will be me explaining my point of view. Sometimes it may seem ridiculous, but my goal is to present something you may not completly agree with and do 1 of 2 things.

1.) Making you see the light
2.) Making you walk away with the feeling that, hey. I didn't agree with all of that, but it was an interesting way of looking at things.

I highly encourage your feedback, positive or negative. I'd love to hear from you! And this ends my first newspaper article. I hope to hear from all of you, and don't forget to vote this up and subscribe!
See ya'll next time.