Who shrank the superpower?

Day 1,536, 13:30 Published in USA USA by XxBusinessMogulexX

Whats up? Today I will write a bit more serious article. I know, I know...The newspaper name is B.M. Entertainment but sometimes I have to act serious right? After all I'm a politician[people around me: *laughing like nuts*]. Anyway I don't know if you remember, but I conducted a survey on topic "From being a superpower to being an ordinary country - eUSA". And got some interesting results. First I would like to thank to the people that participated in the survey and here are their results. I didn't wanted to publish them as they were because they will be boring to read. So I made a little essay out of them.

Page 1: From being a superpower to being an ordinary country - the story about the eUSA
Page 2: Conclusion and Extras

Now without further ado and me yapping, I present it to you...

From being a superpower to being an ordinary country - the story about the eUSA

Beta and V1 were the times where we shined as an influential nation globally. This was due to two main
reasons Game Mechanics during the period and our large number of regions. Firstly, in V1 the war module had strategy (retreats, blocks, Hospitals, and Defense Systems), battles = our present campaigns but they lasted a whole 12 hours, and the general rank and file soldier could only fight around 5 individual times during 1 battle. This created a population of strong citizens mostly due "eRepublik time" running in accordance with PST in the USA in real life. We generally could keep strong showing on battle fields world wide with little or no lost sleep. Secondly, our regions were a reason NOT to invade us. If one nation did so, they would necessarily need to spend a lot of gold to complete the job effectively. Add to this there were several very very bad game mechanic penalties for being wiped from the map (Political Parties would be merged in the the invading country, and even companies would change location, amongst other problems) and this created a desperation in which a defender was forced to zealotry when defending. This current post V2 world has changed many of the mechanics of the game, now battle objectives are nearly hourly, diverse, unpredictable, and more demanding.

Products have been slowly narrowing down to the bare essentials for warfare (Guns and Booze) leaving less and less strategic economic strategy but kill or be killed. The only powerful thing the US keeps are our many national regions, but this has now become a more easily overcome obstacle for our enemies. People are at liberty to fight on their own schedule now in this game, instead of working in very large teams once a day as before. In essence we are strong but not a dominating power, due to the absence of strategy in the game mechanics we once enjoyed. If this country is to prove to be a world power again we will need to build a more welcoming community, and recruit our neighbors and colleagues into a better frame work of social, not strategy alone, gaming.

As eRepublik faded farther away from mainstream media, people have left the eWorld or people immigrated during bad times in the eUSA during depressions. Now for some reason eRepublik is apparently popular in eSerbia or they have a ton of multiple accounts. America itself can still be great but we need to advertise eRepublik. We will not only help development of the game but we will also increase our standing in the eWorld. But now the eUSA is shrinking in populace and because of the Admins downplaying the economy and making it easier for people to use the economy of all nations have suffered but the eUSA has declined the most. I think in V1 America was a superpower, stagnant, but a superpower. When V2 came around and many people left because of the changes and the media ignoring eRepublik, the eUSA downgraded to a Power.

There were other opinions but they are simillar or very trolling ones. So don't get offended if your opinion isn't here.

I also aske😛 What change/s were the man reason/s that decreased eUS's power?

Here are the answers:

1.Politics, less activity/recruitment, etc.
2.I blame pizza and loftedraptor for this bull shi*tery.
3.My guess it the inability to let us lazy American's only 2click and still be great.
4.I think the eUSA started getting a little lazier and started to stop taking over as many places which led
to decrease in recources. The eUSA only has Baja for saltpeter for example.
5.Loaded that question backwards, brother. the eUS is as strong now as it has been with 1/3 more population. that's because RL Americans fight together on the battlefield no matter how much we fight
each other in politics or media.
6.V1-V2 Changes Media Ignorance eBalkans rising populations Decreased Population
7.Game Mechanics


People mostly blame the game mechanics and the transition from V1 to V2 for the decreasment of the eUS's power. Although people also said that the eUS's power is not decreased. Everyone has right to an opinion and I respect all of them. People I will once more ask you if you agree with this?
This was all from me for today.

Remember the Jon Malcom's Writers contest that I published in my newspaper?
Well here are the winners:

3rd place:
Short story contest entry by VibrantLight

2nd place:
New Beginning for an eRavaged Lover by Gnilraps

And the 1st place is........
Pizza the Hut II: The Real Account of his Assassination by Etheris

Conratulations to the winners and thank you for participating.

Yeah I know that there are grammar/spelling mistakes, I apologize for that but I'm too damn lazy too look for them and repair them.

B.M. Entertainment endorses:
|The Academy Informer|The American Herald|Eagle Republik|The Economic News|Revolutionary Times|16 Shells|
|Voice of America
|Meet the Press|Kooguy's Fire|Falling Down|High Times

Now go and get drunk...or laid...or both...
