Who not to vote for in the coming elections for senate[The srg version]

Day 700, 19:00 Published in Australia China by srg91
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attempting to discredit other players in order to pretend to be the good guy here.

People who wish to discriminate against Soldiers of eAustralia
reason: Please do not insult our military, if you dont like it, then become the government.

Players who accuse others without proof
E.g howiedark
So if I told you I am suppressing player X and Y you would believe it? Think about it, dont be the dumb player, Cookieau is probably messing with ya

Players who insult others
Let me ask you, how does it feel to be singled out? I bet you love the attention howiedark 🙂, Dont pick on Stewstoyc please.

Basically, my message is:

Dear howiedark:
Your turning in a player who is restricting other players' right. You are picking them out and targeting them. Let me tell you, 2 can play this game and I think I will have more supporters then you. Stop insulting all of us here. Play the game nicely or it will turn into a trolling war.

Also, anyone can troll around, but only afew players is willing to put trolling aside and offer solutions to an issue. In that regard you failed completely Howiedark

Trolling is welcome on this thread, i will read it when im less busy
Thank you for your time

Too many comments at the bottom:
Afew responses
@H Nelson, he/she wasnt debating, it was a blunt attack on a number of my mates.
"Instead of debating Howiedark’s arguments you have once again launched a smear campaign."
Arguing about what? That we shouldn't vote for scotywest (mix those letters for his in game name) because his a cry baby?

1: Military:
We send out weapons to our military because its their "training" each day. Like all forces in erep, the government supports their training so they will be loyal to one nation. Raising taxes does not help ACUK/DRopbears get anymore weapons because military usually have a budget.

2: Printing Currency:
Printing Currency is how any larger nation survive. If anyone just think about it, each nation lose alot of their currency to:
1: Foreign investment (players take aud out of our system)
2: New players going inactive (citizen fee + afew days of work)
3: Older players quitting the qame (saved up currency, so on so on)
4: New players joining the game (need to balance the amount of currency on a market)
For example:
a new player who joins the game gains X amount of wage in 30 days (the usual time eAustralia prints currency)
During that time he will gain afew medals and thus ADDING MORE GOLD to eAustralia community. Its important for our nation to be ready with the additional gold and have the currency for it. If you think about it, a player in one month could gain as much as 600-800 aud, sure he/she will use it, but the point is that we need that much Aud inserted into our economy to balance everything.
If we gain about 100 players a month, we need about 60k-80k Aud inserted into our economy to keep trading constant.

@Gabriel White
"Agreed with Jon's comment. An article attacking a relatively new person, and then i see your previous article was attacking Nelson. What actually DO you do srg, besides attack people? Do you have any policies of your own?"

What do I do? You see Gabriel, I dont have any plans to run for congress tbh. Think of it as a "been there done that" kinda thing.
My current "job" is Sol representativeand and dMoD (I am in the middle of my exams, so I act as an adviser to the defense department) . I speak to Hekter, our chairman on a regular bases (once everyday) to plan, discuss and find ways to improve the alliance on the whole. I have served in eAustralian Cabinet for a long while now. My knowledge of the game (aside from Wars and so on).
My policy is simply to keep eAustralia safe and "looking good" to other nations. Sure, some EDEN nations have called us PEACE puppets, but if we are puppets by staying neutral and not joining EDEN or PEACE fights, then puppets we will be.
Tbh, I don't care about taxes (I work for myself, 40 aud wage, I lose 6aud (15% tax)in total. Before I lost 4Aud (10 % tax). Seriously, those who are crying, your losing like 1 aud off your wages, get over it.
I think we are better off without Western Australia due to game Mechanics. (that region holds 0 new RM, holds enough companies to destroy eAustralia economically)
I also dont believe that q5 Hospitals should be placed in any more regions until the said region reaches 500+ population, (again, gaming mechanics).
And seriously, I think a lot of the Senators leave out blank promises, most of you guys seriously wait for opportunities and never try to grab them yourself.
E.G.: Senators will say, War games are good, but which Senator knows how war games are organized. All they vote is yes to war games whilest another Cabinet Minister slaves off to find war games.
yeh, thats about it.

@JB- I am a male