Who Is REALLY Ready?

Day 466, 14:51 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Ivan Hat

Ladies and gentlemen

The Presidential election is in 4 days and Radim is running his campaign on staying the course and saying he has the political experience to run a country.

If we're going to go on experience alone let me break down the facts.

I have been President of a nation twice. I have been the Vice President of this nation under Vaclav. I have been in congress for 4 terms in V1 and I been in congress at least four more times before it. I have been mayor of a region three times; twice in Prague and once in Beijing. I have been a party leader of The United Slavs, To The Glory (Unified Republic), and the Social Democratic Party. I helped write our Constitution to protect us from political takeovers. I have been the Minister of Justice under Red Duck and have helped written/edit our NAP and Banking system. I am also the commanding officer to the Czech Guard which controls two squadrons that protect our country. I have been in this game since November of 2007

Radim has been elected into congress five times. He has been the Ministry of Finances under Red Duck. He is the current party president of CRU for the past month. Radim has been in this game since September 2008.

I think it becomes clear who is “really” qualified for this position.

My plans are simple. I plan on sticking with most of Red Duck's plans but adding in a little extra government input. I plan on nationalizing the army into two sectors, Defenders and Mercenary. It will bring in a little extra money to our country whenever our forces are called upon.

I plan on using the already in place banking system to buy gold off the market with our huge supply of CZK in order to buy Hospitals and Defense Systems for all of our regions. I will use the rest to help advance ANY company that puts out a form of request. These companies being level two or three and willing to work in exports. Our Exports outweigh our imports, this is good(!), but we need much more for money to start pouring in.

I will be working with the ESA and for the development and cooperation of smaller countries like eIsrael and eGreece that need allies in such dangerous times. I will work to create a better and SAFER Czech Republic.

So tell me, who is really ready for the Presidency? Radim? Or Ivan Hat?