Where to place your companies in Canada?

Day 3,941, 21:55 Published in Canada Canada by Mann551

You're an eCanadian. You are patriotic, and therefore you are wanting to locate your companies in eCanada even though our bonuses may not be the absolute best that it could possibly be. How do you know where to locate your companies?

First of all, there are only 4 regions that you should even consider in Canada. Alberta, NorthWest Territories, Nunavut, and Prince Edward Island. These regions will remain Canadian regions for the foreseeable long-term future. Alberta has our Food resources, NorthWest Territories has Weapons resources, Nunavut has Housing and PEI has some Aircraft Resources.

A Note About Concession and Region Bonuses

We will be conceding resources to Romania. When a resource is conceded to another country, it is taken away from our national bonus for that industry, but if you still have companies located in the region, it still is benefited from the Region bonus for having that resource there. The bonuses they give depends on their rarity. The more rare, the higher the bonus. 6% for the most rare, down to 2% for the most common.

Alberta will have 17% region bonus for food;
NWT will have 18% region bonus for weapons;
Nunavut will have 18% region bonus for housing;
PEI will have 6% region bonus for air weapons.

The country bonus that Canada will end up having is 55% food, 60% weapons, and 100% housing.

The Formula and Pollution

This is the formula used to calculate the production bonus you receive when working or having others work in your companies: (This is calculated for each industry in each region. Pollution must then be calculated for each quality.)

100 + Country Bonus for industry + Region bonus - Pollution

You can find pollution of each quality in each industry in a particular region by going to "My Country -> Society and then clicking on each region's page and scrolling down a little ways.

For those not wanting to see some mathematical examples, you will stop here. Ideally your first choice will be the resource region, which offers the extra 17 or 18% bonus. But if pollution in that region for your quality of company is higher than the region bonus, you should look elsewhere. If the pollution in one of the other 3 regions is significantly lower, then you will likely receive a higher bonus in production by locating there. If there are no other regions that work out well, then go back to the resource region.

I will now show some calculations for some key industries and compare the bonuses within different regions.

Q7 Weapons and Weapons Raw Materials

(Assuming Rubber is already given away)

Q7: Bonus is 100+60+0-2.35 = 157.65%
WRM: Bonus is 100+60+0-0.04 = 159.96%

Q7: Bonus is 100+60+18-19.2 = 158.8%
WRM: Bonus is 100+60+18-0.92 = 177.08%

Q7: Bonus is 100+60+0-0.56 = 159.44%
WRM: Bonus is 100+60+0-0 = 160%

Q7: Bonus is 100+60+0-0 = 160%
WRM: Bonus is 100+60+0-0 = 160%

Based on the comparison above, it is most advisable, for the best bonuses, to place Q7 weapons factories in Nunavut at this time since those give 160% production bonus due to no pollution. But Weapons Raw Materials factories should be placed in NorthWest Territories, since the region bonus is still 18 after concession and the pollution does not negate most of those bonuses.

Weapons are a Work as Manager industry, so it might be worth locating them in the same region as your food production to save on travel costs and travel time.

Q1 houses and Housing Raw Materials

Q1: Bonus is 100+100+0-1.46 = 198.54%
HRM: Bonus is 100+100+0-1.63 = 198.37%

Q1: Bonus is 100+100+0-1.46 = 198.54%
HRM: Bonus is 100+100+0-0.96 = 199.04%

Q1: Bonus is 100+100+0-1.46 = 198.54%
HRM: Bonus is 100+100+0-0 = 200%

Q1: Bonus is 100+100+18-25 = 193%
HRM: Bonus is 100+100+18-11.27 = 206.73%

So, for Q1 houses, currently it is most advisable, especially since you can't WaM, that you place your Q1 housing factories in any region except Nunavut until pollution changes slightly, but currently it is still your best option to put your Housing Raw Material factories in Nunavut for your highest bonuses.

Q1 and Q2 food and Food Raw Materials

Q1: 100+55+17-2.16 = 169.84%
Q2: 100+55+17-2.55 = 169.45%
FRM: 100+55+17-0.32 = 171.68%

Q1: 100+55+0-0.26 = 154.74%
Q2: 100+55+0-0 = 155%
FRM: 100+55+0-0 = 155%

Q1: 100+55+0-0 = 155%
Q2: 100+55+0-0 = 155%
FRM: 100+55+0-0 = 155%

Q1: 100+55+0-1.1 = 153.9%
Q2: 100+55+0-0 = 155%
FRM: 100+55+0-0 = 155%

For all food factories, it is most advisable to place them in Alberta. The pollution does not come close to negating the region bonus, therefore making Alberta the best place to produce food in Canada.

I hope this has helped you figure out where you would like to place your companies within Canada. For all other companies not discussed in this article, I would recommend they be placed in the region with the applicable bonuses, as they are uncommon and therefore pollution will be small in those regions, giving you the highest level of production.