Where's The Love? - Banned From America

Day 619, 00:49 Published in USA USA by NoneSuch

- I want to thank all who voted for this article. But as you can plainly see, it is not what it used to be. Instead, for the last few hours that this article has left on the Top 5, I want to speak from the heart... What happened to the days of old when an argument was actually a rare occurrence? What happened to the simple things, like freedom and democracy? What happened to the love? Why do I keep getting banned?

- This country isn't what it used to be. This is quickly becoming RL America in the sense that it's losing its former glory. People used to come to America for its freedoms: economic, political, and speech. Well just like real life America, the eUS is losing all of those freedoms thanks to massive government, apathy, and corrupt administrations. Nothing can get done in this country anymore, no one really cares what happens so they just leave when things get bad, and you apparently get banned from everything when you speak the truth or question your leaders. I am now banned from 3 IRC channels, the eUS forums, and yet I still fight for this country! No I don't fight in its battles, I fight for its people! I'm fighting for the people that don't have thousands of subscribers or get in the Top 5 three times a day.

- Is it really any wonder why PEACE is winning? Maybe it's because no one actually thinks this country is worth fighting for anymore. I used to gladly spend my entire paycheck on weapons and do whatever I could to help in eUS wars... I had $250+ and 11 Gold the other day during Kansas, you know what I did with it? I bought a company in Peru. How about the government fight for a change? Fight for your citizen's respect damn it. Fight for OUR freedom, fight for what THE PEOPLE want, not what you think or say we want. Start a poll for once and ask US what we want done... It's amazing how much one administration can mess up in a single term, truly amazing.

- No this is not sarcastic HR-hate propaganda, this is me being serious. You want to know what the real joke is? This: "If you want a President to surrender to PEACE for you, vote for Chris Stanwick. If you want a President to fight against PEACE, do his best to keep our regions, and protect the interests of our allies at home and abroad, vote for me." And no you can't ban me for quoting your president because this is in his very own article, which makes it public information. So why is that quote so funny? Because Stanwick was doing his job, went the extra mile by getting some opinions, gets fired for it, and now HR calls him a traitor! That's the worst leadership I've ever seen in my life, and trust me, I know what leadership is. No one should be afraid to question their leaders, and NO ONE should be PUNISHED for telling the truth. Do not re-elect HR or any other candidate the USWP has to offer. This country has been crippled by close-minded yes-men surrounding this government and it can last no longer.

- So what do we need? To be quite honest, change. Don't vote for the people already in power, they're politicians, not leaders. Voting with the status quo is only going to kill the eUS. Vote for someone that hasn't been corrupted yet, vote for someone that still actually cares about the average citizen, vote for someone that has no problem taking criticism, vote for the independent candidate August 5th! Vote for Hoss!

- Don't know who Hoss is? He's the PP of the UIP. He's the underdog. He's the guy that you really should be supporting. No he doesn't have the press, nor the zombie votes, but nor does he have the corruption, nor the partisan bias. What he does have is the determination, integrity, and the people to get things done right! And I'm proud to say that I'm going to be one of those people!

- He's not actually on the ballot right now; we're going through a very democratic thing called a "primary." I'm sure you've heard of it, it's a very long process that I personally think hurts the democratic process, but I'm not here to bicker any longer.

- Not quite what you expected from a 4x banned eUS patriot, hmm?