Where's the BEER?

Day 697, 05:10 Published in USA USA by Boot1221

I work, I slave I fight.
When all is done I slog back at night.
I choke on a moldy loaf of bread,
Then pass out nearly dead.

Is there no beer to help it down?
I'm still sleeping on the ground!

What are we doing with all that wheat?
Don't we deserve some kind of treat?

We have Q5 Hospitals and Defense systems.
No Porter.

We have elections and party officials and DOD.
No Pale Ale.

No wonder Hungary won in a rout,
We had nothing to live for not even a stout.

We have nothing to fight for, not even a lager.
Not really sure why we bother.

The Founding Fathers had brew,
On would think, we should too!