Where is the Real Fight?

Day 756, 06:48 Published in USA USA by Rithren

I have seen two wars fronts since my start of Erepublik this week. The first is being fought by our Canadian allies in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. The second is the America battle to Free China? This is a question because the war is with Indonesia. We have invaded Japan to get access to China, causing another enemy?

These are simply observations which ignore the real objective, to remove our enemy. In this scenario we are attacking Indonesia to keep them from power while we are having allies defend our own homes. Furthermore, we are not assaulting the real enemy of Indonesia but the territories in which it controls. I would suggest getting a newly revised military and diplomacy strategy. We do not have the powers of the real US to force our will upon people at will, and even if we did we should have learned from the real wars how people would respond.

Our goals should be concentrated on protecting North America and turning it into NAFT. If we insist on fighting Indonesia, we should destroy Indonesia home and remove them from the game, enslave them to Americans, Canadians, or any of our Allies…One problem at a time, or destroy the British…but one issue at a times and wipe them clean either way.