Where Is Our President?

Day 1,332, 04:26 Published in India India by BroodRoosterNL

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A new month, a new president, a new Government. He's had his chance but so far he hasn't proven himself. What I'm talking about? Activity! I was hoping that our new president would be active, I was very positive after talking with him and he even joined the Aktive Association. But so far its been a little bit disappointing.

The only real active ministry has been the Ministry of Defence so far and that is good news in times like these, but then again the MoD doesn't have any excuses not to be active in this game.
But any of the other ministries have been very, very quiet. So what's happening Government? Where are you? And where is our president?

We haven't heard anything from Foreign Affairs, a department that seems to be very important looking at our current location. As a Congressman I'm lucky to see which countries we propose MPP's to (You can put some question marks by some btw) but the average citizen probably doesn't have a single clue about which countries are our friends and who aren't.
As far as I know we've seen only 1 report from an Ambassador and that was from the US, a country currently in so much trouble that they can't be of any use to us. So what is going on!?

The Ministry of Media & Culture? Does that even exist? I read somewhere that it should exist, but I can't seem to find it anywhere. Do they even have a building in our political capital?

Finances, Immigration, same story. Though Immigration/Babyboom seems to be doing good, we have to agree that they are doing great work, though I'm not exactly sure who has made the biggest efforts in getting our new citizens.

But the biggest worry of all in my opinion is our president. A president who says "trust me i will not dissapoint u." must be pretty sure of what he's doing. And he might be, but he's not showing us. Yeah there have been some updates on whats going on, but seriously!? Just telling us that we signed an MPP with Greece, what use is that? The president should be there almost daily to lead the country, to tell us what is going on and to tell us which direction we're going. And if he can't be there every day there should be an office like the Minister of Internal Affairs doing that job, or a spokesperson. How hard can that be?

*Breaking News*
As we speak, our current Vice President and Minister of Defence has announced his resignation: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/my-resignation-from-the-current-government-1820845/1/20
And as you can read in the article he did it for exactly the same reason as why I just wrote this article. The lack of activity in our government!

We need improvement, before we can think of anything else!

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