Where is my WAR?

Day 882, 21:34 Published in Canada Canada by Saya Innsbruck

As every person that looks for battles may have noticed, Canada does not have a direct war since the UK invasion closed a while back. With the US and Ireland being buddies, France being too busy trying to liberate their own territory to contemplate any form of invasion, and the UK just being insignificant, we won't be looking at an invasion while attention is place in Europe, East Asia, and the southern hemisphere. So the only thing we can do for a war is to attack.

So what can we do? I have provided some potential options!
Disclaimer: there are half-satire but workable military options, so don't take them too seriously

Operation Let's Repeat Late 2009

For absolutely no reason at all besides "for the lulz", and to drive France even further into Phoenix camp, we can invade France with our American buddies! Invite Spain and Poland too of course, and I think Spain would be delighted. Also get Croatia and Romania to attack Slovenia/Bulgaria because otherwise Hungary/Serbia/Russia would be too concentrated in defending France. At the same time, get China to attack again at the unholy trinity that occupies their northeast. Greece and Israel can have their regular Aegean training war with Turkey again. Get Australia to take back WT so as to hold down the resurgent Indonesia. The only difference than late 2009 is that we are actually participating. The result a few months down the line would be exactly the same as now, except France would have a bunch of MPPs that includes Serbia and Hungary. We *might* be able to hold onto a few pointless French territory for a short period. It also guarantees future war down the road, because we would have a lot of powerful activated MPPs against us (but of course the people asking for war wants that!).

Operation Let's be a blocker in China

Follow America's path into Asia! Swap land through the US Pacific seaboard, to Hawaii, through Kyushu, and to China! There we will hold a couple of territory like the US is doing now, and wait for inevitable fights that Serbia/Hungary/Indonesia/Russia will commit in Asia! We would only be blocking though. Since we are doing a massive land bridge anyways, we should also invite Spain and Poland through the eUS so that we can even the odds in East Asia. China will be a battlefield (and we would be a sideshow). Never mind the fact that China may not like that many foreign powers on their land!

Operation Taco Bell

Because this would be as beneficial to Canada as Taco Bell would be to your body. The idea is to invade Mexico and hopefully Colombia, because they were evil almost a year ago. Oh, and we can have our war, and Mexico/Colombia are easy to beat, right? Never mind the fact that Phoenix would have a very fun new front where they can threaten America and also surround the Polish protectorate in Peru. Of course, to prevent this from a pointless proposal, get the Poland-Spain duo again to invade Brazil. Poland especially wouldn't mind because it will net them high iron. Get Poland/Spain to invade Mexico too if necessary, prize being high oil.

Apparently Taco Bell can work because Poland have declared war on Mexico.

Operation UK

No, not invading them. The idea is to pull an UK; where we back-stab our allies. In risk and other games, this is often a very effective strategy! I don't even need to bother making a map, because the possibilities are endless! But we can actually invade the UK too, except it won't be a lot of good because Spain and Poland don't really care, and they don't have an effective border with them these days.

These are rather far fetched ideas that I randomly cooked up

The thing is, for all you people that moans about the lack of war, provide workable ideas that don't make us imperialist (haven't heard of that term in a while, odd) backstabbing asses.

Also, for those that justfiied the recent political mess with the lack of war, you are just perpetrating a self-fulfilled prophecy by saying that. If we cared more about mobile wars, it wouldn't be an issue whether or not we have a direct war or not. Most middle-sized countries don't have the privilege of not having a direct conflict, you know.