Where In The World Did Barroom Hero Wake Up Today??

Day 724, 18:42 Published in USA USA by Barroom Hero

In a shameless attempt at a MM (yeah yeah I know this will cost more then the medal gives,IF I even get the 1000, but this will also provide a little entertainment to our drab e-lives).

I decided to throw a contest Barroom Hero style bitchez, so heres how this failed attempt will work.

Every few days or so I will post a new article (which will be about absolutely NOTHING of importance!!!) and WILL NOT HAVE THESE RULES IN THEM, but the same rules will apply, the trick is to catch the article , and post whats necessary , no matter what the new articles "seem" like they are about, its a contest (until i post otherwise).

The 1st person to post this reply
"Who wants a moustache ride? "
will receive 1 to 4 gold. (NO ORGS!)

the 1st person to post this
" i do i do"
AFTER the 1st quote (it does not have to be the very next post after the gold winning post) will win a random q1 or q2 gift (hell if i get bored this could be a house)(NO ORGS!!!!)

Didnt win the first 2???? dont fret, a 3rd random prize of Q1 or Q2 will be given to the best joke pertaining to the country its posted in (it can be PEACE/EDEN/BROLLLIANCE whatever trolling, dont matter to me as long as the articles country is involved),prize decided and given the next day. decided by ME!! (look at the flag next to my name so you know what country to make fun of , it will change each article!!!! )

Thats it, no lame random.org #s, no raffle tickets, nothing.
just a reply

1) no orgs
2) 1 prize per person per article,yes you can win again next article but not twice in 1 article

Q. But how will you get subscriptions like that ??
A. I will be posting these "articles" in different countries each time, so if you are not subscribed,there will probably be 0% chance youll win or even catch it, so it is important you read the rules/remember the post phrase/and subscribe NOW, the rules will not be posted again in future articles

Q. How long will this last.
A. I have no clue, but when i end it I will make a article about it, so the subscribers will know and can unsubscribe

Q. WTF "Who wants a moustache ride?" and "i do i do" thats kinda gay, and i cant remember all that
A. im not big on spelling as long as your in the ballpark its all good, and its funny.If you cant remember it, not my problem, other ppl will.

for everyone who didnt understand heres a example
(right click-->view image for full size)

And to kick this off this contest will start right now with this article

(I know my photoshop sux, but it gets the job done)

your moment of hotness