Where Does Ukrainian Money Go? - Edited

Day 561, 09:13 Published in Ukraine Ukraine by Danylo Halytskyj

If anyone is curious as to what has been happening with some of Ukraine’s money the last week here is a list of donations from the last 7 days of the New Ukraine Organization and the Government of Ukraine.

New Ukraine Organization

Donations given

Don’s Yoyo -Gold 14 HUF 24 (an Indonesian company making food in Ukraine – owns Ukrainian Food)
Amusset - UAH 70
Dan68 -UAH 75
Gildor Igorion -UAH85
Jama999 -UAH51
Paci -UAH 100 Gold 4
Dirth - Gold 4
Pegazus Inc -HUF 2000 (a Hungarian q3 housing company and weapons company in Norway)
Ceriy - Gold 4
Weisz Manfred Huba - UAH 2000 Gold 4
Abalazs - UAH 42
Neukhratisz - UAH 2

Donations Received
Government of Ukraine -Gold 51 RSD 5008 RUB 2206 HUF 3 5 00 UAH 13199
Fadygas Bence - Gold 5
Jon Lajoie - Gold 11
Lee Van Cliff - Gold 2
Weisz Manfred Huba - Gold 24

Government of Ukraine

Donations given

Jama999 - Items 67 Gold 70.9 UAH 51
Yoko - Gold 5
Lehtosegek Bankja - Gold 53.57 HUF 61 UAH 75
Sturmwehr - Gold 30 (Party President – Democratic Party of Moldova)

I hope Jama999 is very thankful to the people of Ukraine who have helped him earn his Battle Hero medal. In case anyone was wondering Jama999 makes frequent deposits and withdrawals from the Lehtosegek Bankja.

The most interesting is the donation of 30 gold to the Party President of the Democratic Party of Moldova Mr. Sturmwehr. If we have declared war on Moldova why are we giving a leader of one of their parties a tidy some of gold???

I will let you, the Ukrainian people decide for yourselves if this is how you want your government’s money spent. If you have any questions ask your leaders why the money has gone to these organizations and individuals. There may very well be very good explanations for these donations and expenditures but you will not know those answers unless you ask the questions!

Slava Ukraini!

- apologies to Jon Lajoie, Manfred Huba, Fadyga and Lee Van Cliff - I had my columns that I was adding mixed up and the errors have been corrected.