Where do I hit?

Day 2,954, 07:11 Published in Australia United Kingdom by Rusty D

Hello eAustralia,

I thought I would write an article from my personal paper today, not just for fun... but if I can keep my motivation levels up, I will be doing a few other articles.

But today's article is about DAMAGE and more specifically where and how to direct it. Some of you might be thinking "What the f.... has he been smoking" but some of you might be saying "Yes, I have been wondering what to do with my spare bombs", so this article is not just for the fresh blood, or the unsure or even the senior 2 clickers who have been around longer then Plato.

But enough of my waffle (sorry a few Tiger beers into the night), lets get down to it all.

Military Units

The most of you ought to be in a Military Unit, if not I strongly suggest you join one. But MU's can set their own priorities for your MU's battles. As you can see from the pictures below:

From the above picture, you can see that an MU can select 5 countries and whether they fight for or against those countries. This is selected by the MU commander. From that list of countries, they can pick the order of the day (seen by the drop down menu).

But where might you ask would the MU commander find these countries??

Well let me answer this, not in any particular order, but the many different ways....

MU location

Each Australian MU.... is based.... in Australia. So by rights the most logical first priority would be Australia. "But Rusty D, what about when the MoD tells us not to fight for Australia, because it is a TW or Region Rent" well... that is a good question, one which I will be addressing in my next section...

MoD Daily Orders

As you can see from the above picture, the MoD (Ministry of Defence) releases a article every two days, but updates as often as possible, out lining the priorities for eAustralia. This paper (shown with the blue arrow) will be one of the guiding factors to where people should put their damage. If you can not see it on the front page, click 'More News' (shown in the red box) and it might be down the bottom. Remember to vote it up, for those who dont read the news.

MU Daily Orders

Once your MU has set it's daily orders, it will show up on the 'home' screen. And depending on your location, it will also show all of eAustralia's allies battles.


Yes, we have allies. eAustralia signs many MPPs each term. These are friendly nations, partners in our alliance Nebula, members of our friends in Asteria and Pacifica. These are one of the basis of countries that are selected by MU commanders when they set Daily Orders.

However some of the countries that are chosen, aren't MPP partners. Instead they are alliance members, friends and countries fighting a just battle.

Between this small criteria, it is easy to choose a country to fight for.

Well... that is enough for today, well at least in this newspaper. But stay tuned, next edition will be one on how to tie your shoes.

With lots of love,
Uncle Rusty D
Here to please.

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