Where am I?

Day 4,816, 20:40 Published in USA USA by LoganBeary

Even the door knocker seemed impending.

I stared at it for what seemed like hours before I worked up the courage to knock. It looked like snakes or skulls or maybe it was just the number “506.” As I raised my hand to knock, the door creaked slowly open as if it knew I was too nervous to knock. I straightened my checkered skirt, cleared my throat and pushed the door open. My heels clicked loudly in the deserted hallway as I tried to muster the tiniest bit of confidence.

"You are a strong and powerful woman, LB. You can do this!”

A single fluorescent bulb flickered ominously above my head as I entered the dark hallway. It smelled of leather and cigars. I wondered what I had gotten myself into. Why did they choose ME? I’m a noob and a nobody and these guys were seasoned and powerful players.

At the end of the long hallway, I noticed light leaking through a slightly ajar door. I heard the muffled sounds of several voices.

WHY was this hallway SO long? My voice threatened to give out on me and I wondered if I would even be able to speak once I made it to the door.

What had I expected? A cheery greeting? A cup of coffee? A hug? Yes, definitely a hug.

I paused at the doorway and waited, listening. A deep growling voice was discussing the current climate in politics in the eUs. He didn’t seem very happy and kept saying the word “malfeasance.”

“That must be Gnilraps” I thought. The mere thought of being in his presence almost sent me into an arrhythmia.

“What if he yells at me?” I thought. “I’ll cry. I know it. I’ll cry.” Maybe if I don’t look directly at him or make eye contact, he won’t yell at me. Perhaps that tactic would work here, but it would be hard to be a wallflower with only a few of us in the room.

GET IT TOGETHER, LB!” I told myself. “You can do this!”

A lighthearted voice spoke “Hey! Did you guys see my article about T and A?” I knew immediately that it was Trekker Tlumac. He seemed cool and fun. Maybe I would sit with him?

A kind third voice contributed to the conversation talking about political plans and I guessed it must be Deepchill. He seemed cool too. Maybe he would hug me? After all, he was the one who put me in this position.

The smell of stale cigar smoke wafted out the door.

“LoganBeary? Is that you out there?” a voice barked.

“Ummm. yes s-s-sir?” I stammered back.

Get in here! We have work to get done!” He growled.

My heart, beating like a hammer, threatened to jump out of my chest as I stepped into the dimly lit room…