When will it all end!

Day 790, 10:03 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by ben clew

This picture is not relevant I just didn't want this article to be too depressing!

When will Poland stop attacking us?
When will this end?

Well it will be a while yet but th end should be soon, with alliances with nine countries as long as we do not get attacked on three fronts then we are surely safe from the Polish invasion.

First of all the alliance group is far less organized than us, they maybe be considered as having alliances with each other but when it comes to defending they do not. For example when we attacked Wallonia Spain (who are supposed to be in an alliance with the big guns) had no allies and so had to fight us off all by themelves.

So far as one battle comes to an end another one starts, it is going to be relentless but I am sure that we will succeed. But for know make sure you check the MoD paper and defend the South West.

Poland have ended there baby boom for the moment as they have run into a brick wall with us.

Lets recreate WW2, keep our little island safe from a vastly expanding empire.

Come eUK, Come on you eGermans with us, lets defeat them!

Maybe some upbeat news next but for now,

Thank You

ben clew