Whats the Deal?

Day 1,319, 02:34 Published in Norway Norway by Yan Hoek
So what's the deal with the new health system?

Well basically instead of having to wait 6 hours for your limit to refill you can use 100 health per hour. This 100 rolls every hour until it hits your limit.

For instance if you have a 350 limit under the old rules (and without counting working or Wellness Packs) you could have dropped a maximium of 140 hits per day. Now if you log in every hour (or 3 hours) to collect your rolling health you can drop a massive 240. As you reach a higher health limit the difference narrows and the advantage disappears when you hit 600. Did Admin just fix the issue of the oldest citizens being too powerful? Must be a mistake right?

This actually means that you can do a hell of a lot more damage if you can be bothered to log in every hour or so than if you only log in 2 or 3 times a day. So expect those with no life to be rising through the ranks a little faster than before - of course everyone else will be doing the same...

It also means the average citizen can chomp their way through a lot more food and weapons. For the first time since the new company system was introduced I actually had to buy food yesterday. I am no longer self-supplying. Did Admin just fix the economy? No, must be another mistake right?

So what's the deal with the elections?

Well Admin probably realised half the world isn't going to have any elections next week as ONE and ABC are doing quite well, I have to (grudgingly) admit. So they are allowing elections to go ahead even if you don't have a country to have them in. This kinda follows logic seeing as every occupied country is still collecting taxes (as companies are tied to citizens, not regions, and so cannot be occupied) so someone has to be in charge to spend that money.

The upside is that we can have a presidential election, get rid of Mazarino (who by the way has already left Scandinavia and given up Presidency of Teknokratene), crack on with getting Norway back on track, and all without having a RW. Of course that's not to say we shouldn't attempt the liberation of our fair land...

Alt For Norge!