Whats that you say... Emilio is going gangsta on us!!!

Day 651, 07:59 Published in Canada Canada by emilio sanchez

Well, hello fellow Canadians,

I am happy to say that I am back in Canada and going to re-open the Health Program. The Canadian Health Service (CHS) has been closed for a couple weeks now due to the takeover of our beloved country.

I was stuck in a country that.. Without saying was not pleasant. I mean, they put more makeup on me, made me look even more like a clown, and made me play the harmonica in front of dogs that had some kind of bowl problems (Since the country had such poor food that even the dogs suffered from acute bowl blockage syndrome.) Apparently my harmonica playing skills were so great, (or terrible) they made the dogs go all over the place.. Solving the terrible bowl blockage syndrome forever that plagued their country. I finally escaped, but as I wondered the streets I noticed there was no Canadian embassy available... By Canadian embassy, I mean a Tim Horton's. So I had to stowaway on a plan headed for Australia, then I bought a ticket and came to Canada.

Finally, I am home.

I shall get to work helping our beloved Canada, and help any citizen with health related problems.

An article will be released about the CHS, so stay tuned.

Oh, and I am not going gangsta.

Thank you all, and good day.