Whats Happening Russia?

Day 669, 12:57 Published in Hungary Serbia by Cookies Crisp

A few months ago the USA was down to 6-7 regions.
PEACE proposed a peace treaty with the USA.
US signed the treaty.
The war was over, but Russians continued the attack.
Soon after Indonesia proposed a peace treaty, Americans accepted it.
But all that treaty did was stopped Indonesia from fighting America throw its MPP's.
The US betrayed Indonesia and started attacking regions.

Soon after Indonesia was pushed out of North America.
Americans concentrated on Portugal and then attacked Russia.

Portugal pulled back from the war and singed a peace treat with America.
The only front was Russia.
They were losing regions fast but then Colombia steeped in and blocked America.
Russia gained the initiative and started attacking again.

But Russia got maybe 2-3 regions from the Americans

Then they couldn't get any more regions from The US.

The war Froze there.

Nobody was wining.

The only way Americans are going to lose regions id by opening more fronts.

The plan was that Iran blocked Canada, so Canada cant bloc Hungary and then we'd have one more front.
But Canada attacked first and Iran has only 1 region in North America.

There are a few more options :

1# UK attacks Canada and blocks them.
But as stated before the UK is afraid of activating Canada's MPP's.
2# Indonesia makes a region swap with Japan again and attacks US directly
3# Venezuela does the same thing Colombia did and goes throw Mexico to get to the US.
4# Mexico attacks US even do they have NAP with them.
5# Japan attack US (not likely)
6# Portugal Attacks and denies the singed treaty.
7# France attacks US or Canada

Its known that Russia is one of the most Wealthiest nations in eRep
but the only way to keep those conquered regions is not allowing US to get the initiative.