What would you do...

Day 656, 11:08 Published in USA USA by Franklin Delano Roosevelt

The question is, what would you do if you where president for a day?

Everyone is welcome to post their views of what they would do. Now I would write what I would do if I had the opportunity.

Now friends if I where giving the honor of being President of this great country for one day, I would cut the chatter and get down to business. You see in real life, politics dominates almost all aspect of our life. But sometimes you have to put politics aside and think on what really matters. As president for one day I will focus on ways to fix the current state of the economy, I would create a policy in which the country has a schedule of to what to buy and when. For example since almost all of the country regions where conquer and where now regain, we lost all defense system and hospital in those regions. Now the country should focus on building it defense system by buying more Q5 hospital and Q5 defense system, unlike before we had only 3 regions with Q5 hospital (Florida, New Jersey, and Kansas). This time we should have more then 3 Q5 hospital so that we don't end up like we did a while ago, and on top of that buy more Q5 defense system so that the enemy will have a much harder time attacking the regions that belong to us.

Second I will work with congress to eliminate funding to organization that have little or no success, with the current lack of funding the country needs to invest in programs that really matter like the military and the organization that have made a difference in this country.

Third I will focus some of my effort to work with the state department in giving the country foreign ambassador real work to do, like promoting more stronger and stable partnership with other country and renewing the eUS view in the new world.

Fourth I will work with the fellow workers of the department of education and the mentor program to reach out to the citizen and train them in ways then can survive the current society of the the new world. Because of the distraction of this war, citizen education decline a bit, but now we need to give it more attention then ever. The ways we can promote more citizen education is by recruiting more able mentor citizen and funding the DoE so that they can hire more workers to promote citizen education.

Fifth I will work with EDEN and other military alliances to form a much stronger international military alliance who are willing to defend each other and stop other aggressive alliance like PEACE for example.

Sixth I will promote political unity, what I mean by this is that many political party believe in the same thing, the only thing that separates them is that they fight differently for the same cause. Let me give you an example, I may be in a political party but it doesn't mean that I agree with all of their belief I'm more of a centrist type, yet I don't want to create my own political party cause it will only create more political disunity.

Last but not least Update, Update and more Update. You see the eUS wiki has some outdated parts and I want to promote an organization who main job is to work on that particular field, not to mention that I would also like to have an open government where the citizen can feel that they are represented and not fooled. Remembered that politics can sometimes be very corrupting and that some politicians only work to get their political agendas across the congress halls. Now I'm not saying this because it happening here, well I believe it not. Other this above reason I will also like to be President because this country needs a good commander-in-chief and head of government who cares for the people and that the people have what they need to survive another day here in erepulik. But hey this is just my opinions about something’s I would do if I where President for a day. Now don't make a big deal of this article this is just an article which I created to express my ideas, anyone is welcome to express there’s. 🙂

USWP member
Residence of Florida
Editor of the Roosevelt Times