What will happen when a country takes over the world?

Day 572, 01:09 Published in Australia Australia by Benmaster

i know there will be resistance wars...
but really what will happen?
will the game reset?
will the game take whole new way of game play (space travel)?
will the admins make the ruling country have a civil war?
will a alien race come down and take over the earth forcing us to unite?

these are questions i was thinking when i read the book "Ender's Game". Will a race come down that we don't know how to react to it and kill us all. comment on what you think may happen.

most likely i think is that the admins have to spice things up. tip the balance of things e.g makes a famine or global warming.

i sure do hope that the game doesn't reset because i can tell that the people who thrived to make the world the way it is will would generally be pissed >.>

that is all
p.s think about it???!