What will be next?

Day 3,347, 02:30 Published in Belgium Belgium by eBelgian Presidency

Greetings eBelgium,

like stated in the previous article, a wipe is in the making. The enforced 'Training War' has been going on for a while now. After taking the region an immediate attack was launched on our final remaining region, the RW in the 3rd region is still ongoing. Combat Orders on the Latvian side, it's fair to say this war is ending.

Words are mere words in this game, but spring to my mind.

So good citizens of eBe, friends, allies and all other eRepublik citizens, I do consider this now a war as such. I can not say what their plans are for us. Released once wiped? Kept wiped, but have their forces free to aid allies, and have us as a possible starting point for more wars? Only time will tell.

Country President