What to do, what to do?

Day 558, 15:34 Published in Israel Israel by Joran

In a completely unrelated note, this also happens to be the title of a pamphlet that Lenin wrote. But the forum has lots of flame wars on whether socialism/communism is good for eRepublik countries or not, go argue about the issue there.

So I find myself as a Congressman, and 6 days after the election, I feel just about ready to resign: any proposal I make now is counterintuitive to reality or the ideals that I pledged in my original platform. My opinion, often pro-party line, sometimes not, hasn't made an actual difference in the way proposals have turned out. The country, although not doing that bad economically (despite my original fears concerning the grain bill), has been swept up in a storm of paranoia and Party loyalty...

Any advice from the average reader on how one escapes malaise? No, putting down the newspaper isn't an option...

In the process of developing a real sign off catch phrase... until then, this has been The Tribal Tribune.

(OOC: Didn't enforce it the last time this happened, but seriously guys, no spam. Any mention of "just follow the leader" or "Fight the power!" will get you reported.)