What to do?

Day 1,044, 15:42 Published in Belgium Belgium by Theneka

All eBelgian citizens are requested to register on this forum and to participate in the debates!

Presidential Update

I know it's a bit late to do this, but better late than never one could say 😛
I'd like to start with apologising for not being that active on the national forum, IRC and especialy this newspaper. Real life can sometimes be a huge burden...

Anyway, let me draw a quick line to see what happene😛

- My proposal to get someone from the Congress into the gouvernement forum to check us out has been accepted. However it has been the tradition to use Mails as general comunication between the gov, so the forum isn't realy being used as it should be. I hope that the apeals I have made to use it more actively will be continued by the next gov, and that the congress, who are the real democratic base of our country, will keep their rights to ensure democracy and transparancy.

- We've been inscribed in the Training War between India and Pakistan, and funds have been made avaliable for that. However I have not yet gotten a reply on my question concerning the new military module, as time of battles seem to have been ajusted, but normaly that shouldn't be a problem.

- A fully worked out anti-TO senario has been created by congress and is now being voted on. More details about that will come later on. This senario would come to work if someone has the idea someone is trying to PTO us, and will show new members of Congress or Country Presidents what they can do to stop these.

- We're happy to welcome some new players, which is a good case, and we're sad to see Mike Wooldridge depart :'( Chears mate!

- A debate has been raised on Financial Transparancy, and will most likaly be accepted.

- Thore has said me a while ago that he doesn't have the time anymore to be MoD, so that position falls away to. The state companies are however running well, and problems with their financial status have been solved.

What to do?

There have been many complaints about eRepublik the last few months. I see that slowly the admins have came to the realisation that they should listen to their players, and are indeed working to recreate this game to something better, and I'm happy for that. This however does not change the global economic crisis (even in eWorld we have it xD ) that is going on now. In this article I will try and look into a few posibilities and ideas of mine that could help out that economy, and that might attract new players or stimulate people to reactivate.

Foreighn Affairs

I've requested the ambassador for the eUNL to ask for a removal of the advertisements in our country towards our dutch speaking population to come to the eUNL, as they do not provide a base of trust and mutual respect between the two countries, and might harm our relations.
Forther I've been in contact with people from all over eEurope to see into our relations, and I would like to call upon all players that are ambassador of eBelgium to some eCountry, or that would like to be one to contact me. We need to get an update on our Ministry of Foreighn Affairs so that we can work in a more efficient way and ensure our relations with the eWorld.

Alliance Works

As you may or may not know, at this moment eBelgium is a member of ONE (Order of Nations of eRepublik) I regret to announce that what most people have been claiming all along, though not totaly true, is quite right. ONE is pretty much inactive, and we don't know how much support we'd get from them in case of a real emergency. This does not mean that we don't have their back-up, or that we don't support the member nations of ONE. I have made some good new friends, and laid some very valiable contacts due to ONE, but I would say that it might be time to look further than this alliance. Debate on this can be found here. I would like to call on all citizens to let their voices be heard an give their oppinion.

We have all posibilities and we should look into those decently before deciding, but action on this matter is realy required.

Training War

Now that the military module has changed once again, battles are jusefull again. These would stimulate the economy and our player base. That is why we'll join in for the India-Pakistan TW, but some people claim that we need a real war to realy get to somewhere. I feel a lot of sympathy for that idea, but unfortunatly this would cost a lot of money, and our congress is to thoughfull to go along with that 🙂 So we shall have to take pleasure in the TW, and hope for the best possible result.

General Economy

As said above, the Congress and myself hope that the TW will have a positif influence on our local economy, and I have noticed that several companies have restarted their production, and thus guaranteeing more jobs. We are working on a reform of the minimum wage, and this will be further debated on on the forum.

Country Presidency

As you can see here pretty much evry party has it's own candidate for CP elections. Though I would have enjoyed running again, it seems that our PP has decided to pop up out of inactivity and use our money to campain for president, and even altering the logo without proper debate. This is a very undemocratic way of doing, and this ensures that I will not be voting Kylero, as he is neighter fitted nor active to do the job. My personal favor would go either to M.Leviathin from the United Belgian Independents, if he is supported by his party and hasn't just put himself as CP (which I seriously doubt, so pleas don't take this as an accusation) or Velitia from the Belgian for the Belgians party, again under the same reason.
I hope that we can find a compromise and that our voters will use their brains when voting, and that the president is able to form a gov as soon as possible, and continue the work to improve eBelgium, in close cooperation with the Congress.

Internal Struggles

When there are no problems at hand, sometimes people tend to look inwards for enemies or problems. I hope that after the last weeks, we all realise that this is a very bad thing to do, and that it doesn't bring in anything constructive. That is why I would like to call upon the anciant Belgian Slogan:

Concordia res parvae crescunt, L'union fait la force, Eendracht maakt macht, Einigkeit macht stark!

Don't forget that we are all brothers and sisters of one nation, eBelgium, and that how ever different our political views might be, we are working for the same cause. That is why I would like to call on evryone to be polite, and respect eachoters views. The admins of our forum, nor I, will tolerate childish behaviore, flaming, or trolling in general. That is something we don't need in any way.
Let us focus on what we can do to make eBelgium a better place, and continue our good work towards a better eWorld.

Country President of eBelgium