What This Country Has Done For You (And what you can do for this country)

Day 131, 10:22 Published in Sweden Sweden by Grev Per

Good News Citizens,

The powers that be have unfrozen the Danish national accounts, enabling me to transfer money to those hired by the Danish government. This means that money is being pumped into the economy in order to increase consumption.

I've also authorized the establishment of giving loans to two companies, one company is a gifts company, the other is a weapons company. Denmark must have a company in every field! I would encourage all citizens to actively give each other gifts as well, we must raise wellness!

Furthermore I believe it's important to have at least one more company in both the weapons and gifts industries so as to prevent a monopoly from taking hold.

As far as the threat to the nation created by moving tickets, I have made an arrangement with the Aviators that they will export their products if they received a gift of 25 Gold from the Danish government. Never again shall they sabotage the defense of Denmark.

Perhaps there are some entrepeneurs or political activists out there who do not want to take loans to start whatever they want to do. (or perhaps there are some business men who wish to upgrade.) Well I have good news for you, I've established the creation of the Danish Iværksætterfond. This fund has taken 100 Gold and 1000 DKK from the Danish treasury and put it on the exchange market at only a little bit over market prices. This means that the Danish treasury will earn money, and hopefully it will put an end to the sadistic and messed up way the exchange market is used by those barbarians to the north who must not be named.

I have also taken actions to establish protections in our key industries in the form of high import taxes. And I will continue this policy.

Now if I may take a moment to speak to you candidly. I recently purchased an amazing luxury item. My own house. This house will enable me to raise my wellness every day, I will wean myself off of Q2 food very soon and only need to eat Q1.

I recommend that everyone buy a house. And if you don't own house it's important you only eat Q2 food, or else you're wellness will go down.

So may I recommend that you buy a house from my trusted friend, advisor and leader of the HEMSTAPO, Phillip Klarskov (see image above.)

Also may I point out that since I have become president, the average wage in this country has risen by 400%. Before I was president the average wage was around 0.50 DKK. Now it's risen all the way to 1.94 DKK. I've always had a goal of paying my workers 2 DKK a day and of encouraging that in other companies. I'm glad that it's paid off in making the economy so effective.