What the USA can learn from Elementary School

Day 861, 20:52 Published in USA USA by Jarhoul

We've all been through elementary school. We all remember it, sitting for hours going from subject to subject; Math, English, Science, History. Each one had their application: Math helps all those engineers out there, English helps the aspiring writers, Science is for the doctors, chemists, biologists, and physicists out there. But what about History? Why in the world do we learn history?

So many people cannot answer this question. "What's learning about a bunch of old, dusty men going to do for me?" A large majority of people cast aside their history lessons as worthless pieces of trivial knowledge, unapplicable to modern life. But some realize the true worth of history and choose to use it to their advantage. They realize that history makes mistakes for us, so we don't have to. It's the people who recognize this and take advantage of it that come out on top.

History shows us why a Stalinistic nation cannot survive. It shows us that some people suffer for no reason. It shows us that of the 57 varieties of Heinz, only one of them was any good.

Knowing this we don't have to experiment with a Stalinist regime, or persecute a race or a religion, or go through the long and rigorous process of taste-testing 56 disgusting varieties of ketchup before finally landing on the golden recipe.

How do we apply this to eRepublik and, more specifically, the eUSA? Well the New World has a history too. Going back to the beginning we can see every decision that has been made, and its consequences. Given the simple nature of eRepublik game mechanics, eHistory is nowhere near as complex or confusing as real life history. Knowing this, shouldn't we be using history as a tool? Using it to stop mistakes before they happen?

One would think so, however the eUS has time and again failed to do this. We have been short sighted and have overlooked glaring details that led to bad outcomes, details shadowed in the annals of history, details that could have been recognized, avoiding catastrophe.

The PEACE GC invasion of North America was one. We should have seen it coming. History shows that countries with large MPP stacks and grudges are just waiting, biding their time, and they will strike back. Could we have avoided this? Maybe. If we'd recognized the danger on our doorstep we could have taken measures to prevent it before an invasion was imminent.

Now we stand on the edge of an historic vote to pull out of EDEN, returning to our post-war position of brohood and general neutrality. We dedicated months to the EDEN cause, fighting in battles and being unfairly billed. We were judged by a double standard, we were disregarded, and we were treated as a glorified pawn.

We joined EDEN being promised change. Change from the policies of the mega-alliance ATLANTIS. We would be a brotherhood, a group bound, not by code or contract, but by a mutual feeling of respect and honor. A great idea, but one look at the EDEN charter showed how impossible it would be. EDEN is ATLANTIS, there is no doubting this. The similarities are uncanny, right down to the member nations and the early military successes enjoyed by both alliances. The US swore never to be caught up in ATLANTIS 2.0, and yet we so willingly joined it, albeit hiding behind a new name and logo. Why?

We ignored history.

The USA will be moving forward, most likely without EDEN. We will promise ourselves never to get caught up in EDEN 2.0. We will be better than that. Until we ignore history again, and join an alliance that will once again dissolve into the same basic instincts that led to the collapse of ATLANTIS.

Elementary school teaches us those four subjects: Math, Science, English, and History. They all serve a purpose and help to better the world. Not everyone takes history seriously, but some do. It is these people who foresee problems, who come out on top. Maybe it's time for the USA to revisit grade school?

Respectfully Submitted,

Jarhoul, AKA Jimmy Olsen