What the game is all about

Day 3,899, 12:42 Published in India India by Ashwamaedh

Recently been in touch with a few old erep pals which brought me back to the game wondering whether it still crawls on and surprisingly it does! (despite most of the laments being the same)

To be honest though India seems to have more new names and even a few of the older ones resurrected. (guess that's all due to calvin's untiring efforts!) o7

Seems we are also in a alliance (yea the smallest one as always) but hey its something! (probably for TWs i guess or this new event coming up?)

Most surprising was to see Croatia being walloped by all - must say if I continue playing for the next few days I just might pop over to help them out. After all they put up an incredible show at the World Cup and its the least I could do to say thank you for the heart you showed.

Speaking of which its darned amusing to see the great US of A reduced to a 2 bit player.
Must say seeing that kind of warmed my heart and made me feel like things were right with the world. A far cry from the bunch of cocky cash rich bunch of bozos and their all pervading bluster. (yes there were a few good people too but alas too few)

In the end just wanna give a shout out to all my real life national and international mates I have through erep ad especially to the 3 who brought me back to login ..

Jelen od Potoka (not his real name of course!) - my dear Croatian friend - may he always live long and prsoper

Marius - the wise old guru from Moldova


demonwar (again not his real name!) - my Indonesian bro who is getting married next year!

This is what erep is about - making friends where you would never expect to! (speaking of which I need to drop in to delhi and meet another close mate of mine!!!)

It was great reminiscing - hope I meet a few others while I still log in !! o7

PS : and the old dog Perrin (Mattrim) STILL LIVES ON!!! Good God - some things never change!!