What the city of Halifax can do for you. PLEASE READ!!!!

Day 276, 19:11 Published in Canada Canada by emilio sanchez
Hello to all my fellow citizens.

I will use this article to announce that as mayor of Halifax, I have recently dropped the tax for housing and companies to 0%. Seeing the success from this lowered tax and how it has helped other notable cities, particularly the city of Charlottetown, and it's mayor jbdivinus. Who I congratulate on his ideas and success.

In doing so I would like to also announce that I will be giving wellness to any citizen of Halifax who has shown good work presence. It does not matter what company they work for, or where that company is from. Any citizen/business owner, wishing to relocate to Halifax shall receive a 50% refund for any moving ticket they have to purchase, But like any good offer this comes with a catch. You must stay in Halifax for at least 4 days to receive the refund. Just PM me on the day that you move and in 4 days you will be reimbursed. (Unless you need the money right away, certain exceptions can be arranged.)

Also anyone that can invite people to join ERepublik, and they choose to live in Halifax shall receive 5 CAD. When the person you get to join, becomes a new citizen and lives in Halifax, just PM me there name and as well as yours.

I have also requested grants from the government to help in my quest for a better Halifax and thus, a better eCanada.

Newspaper contest.

I will also use this time to announce that this newspaper will be starting a new contest for anyone that has good, bad, or just something funny that has happened to them in ERepublik. Whether you would like to talk about where you've travelled or interesting citizens you've meat etc. The winner shall receive 2 CAD/ Wellness. Which ever you'd prefer. Just PM me a story you have.

The winner will be announced every week on Friday along with their story. Starting whenever I receive the first story.


Now, all this will not be cheap, so anyone who wishes to donate to me or the city of Halifax will be very appreciated.

Me... [a url=http://www.erepublik.com/profile-869172.html]Emilio Sanchez[/a]
City of Halifax.... [a url=http://www.erepublik.com/region-222-economy.html]Halifax[/a]

As always thank you for reading and subscribe today. Also, watch for more incentives in the future. A lottery or an incentive for people who have moved out of Halifax and choose to move back, may be announced as time goes on.

My apologies, for there is now french version at this time.

2008, Canadian News Corp. All rights reserved.