What's Next?

Day 1,999, 15:13 Published in Ireland Ireland by Ian Arb

Ireland has now seen its so called “allies” in CUA show their true colours and join our arch-enemies in TWO. I’ve seen this coming as in the past Argentina has been known to switch sides and using small countries for their own benefit. This is all down to MUFC and his government’s incompetency in diplomacy and it has now sent Ireland into a bleak future.

Conflict with the Brits

With our allies leaving us out in the cold against the Brits and the mighty Poland we are unable to retain our regions after helping them with their baby boom which shows how grateful they are. The only way out is to agree on peace terms with UK and their CP is open to negotiations. UK does not wish to continue the conflict as they are wasting essential resources that can be put to use elsewhere and we share the same view.


Brian Boru has urged Ireland to re-consider its position and I agree but I do not agree with his aggressive foreign policy of joining our arch-enemies TWO. In the past 3 years of playing this game I cannot see Ireland betraying our friends just to be on the winning side and sit back drinking my Guinness. I also don’t see how TWO might consider Ireland to be part of their entity as UK and many of their close allies have a pretty heavy history with us.
I’ve seen the collapse of PEACE, Phoenix and ONE who were both dominate alliances. There is always a time when an alliance is such a dominate force will finally crumble just like the Roman Empire.

What’s next for Ireland?

That’s an interesting question that is yet to be answered by our new government under the leadership of Sir Andriano Pette. I think personally this is a very difficult time for Ireland as MUFC’s incompetence certainly didn’t help our reputation worldwide. CoT will shadow a doubt over our chances of joining of their organisation and even TWO will also think the same. If Ireland wishes is to join CoT then some serious negotiations and persuasion is needed from the Foreign Affairs department.

This time when we come to choosing our fate it needs to be done in a proper manner and that the voice of the Irish people are taken into account.

Ian Arbuckle