What makes eAustria and it's flag so special

Day 1,145, 17:57 Published in Austria USA by Hale Kane

"The Austrian flag has a somewhat interesting origins legend. It is said that the design was created by Duke Leopold V of Austria. During a tough and lengthy battle he was fighting in during the Crusades, his white clothing had become drenched in blood. However, when he removed his belt, the middle part of his clothing remained white".

With this, if gives us a reminder to who we truly are. That is brave soldiers marching into battle with our guns in one hand, our backpacks on our backs, the Austrian flag on our uniforms, and cloths drenched in red and the inner of the shirt still white. Only 3 of the 4 items can be taken away from us. The only item that can not be taken away, is our courage and strength our country gives us.

With this comment:

"No longer you will advise people what to do, no, people will advise you, but you are the one to decide and of course you take the full responsibility. This was at times a hard challenge, but it was fun, and I hope I did a good job.
I really loved being a president. This is why I am applying again, and I hope I’ll be reelected on January the 5th".

Many can guess who wrote this in his article, but I will not keep it a secret as it came from our present Country President's candidature article. This person states that he takes full responsibility for the country. Now that is what I call a hero right there. Putting the country before himself and being a brave soldier for his country.

With the help of these cabinet member's, he will do us proud.

President: PrinceOfAustria
First Lady: PrincessOfAustria
Vize President: Vreath
Advisor: Rangeley
Advisor: Thomas765
Advisor: Klavh
Advisor: eldres
Advisor: AliasSun

Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
MoFA: Rangeley
vMoFA: higter
Embassy Director: Albert Neurath

Ministry of Defence:
Mo😨 Klavh
vMo😨 luis-paulo
Chief of Squads: LarsUlrich87

Ministry of Finances and Economy:
MoFE: JaFe
vMoFE: Jules Casey
Assistant: schwrzwolf
MoL(abour): Havok Fault

Ministry of Interior:
MoI: eldres
MoE: OEBernd
MoCC: Vreath

I salute you all and wish you the best of luck for this month as this month will be hard.
