What is most important to you?

Day 623, 11:10 Published in Slovakia Brazil by Danie! Moreno

I can say what is most important to me. What is more important? Democracy or Communism?

Democracy is much more important.

The SCP, a party that spent several days of effort, devote my time and my knowledge, betrayed me and the Slovaks, so coward. My ideas, my way to see the democratic communism, my program of government, and my contacts (as acquired when the first hospital for Slovakia). The SCP has used it to gain the confidence of Slovakia (and also my).

I had a dream. A beautiful dream. My dream was to make Slovakia the best place in the world. But this is impossible, is with communism or capitalism. While people like Mr.Skin hover, and Defenestration commanding the actions of SCP, the party will be in the hands of fascists.


So I say, with great sincerity. Sincerity that you, brave people of Slovakia, is accustomed to see: My vote and my Brazilian friend, will go to the Andrejko. A Slovak native of strong temperament. But honest.

If you still believe in democracy, vote in Andrejko. Don't leave Slovakia fall in the fascist hand.