What if the Finacial crisis blah blah blah

Day 1,562, 05:59 Published in South Africa South Africa by Ex Banned'it

I didn't want to write about this, firstly cos I am no economic genius, nor do I actually care much for economics, still I feel it has now reached an irate level for me to actually lay down the keystrokes in yet another failed module, aka eRepublik Media.

I would call for transparency in future or have some knowledge of what is going on in eRep Admins thought process, but sadly I would probably be ignored or get that automated response confirming the, "you don't matter" feel you get.

Now when dealing with economics no matter what scale it's quiet ridiculous that Admin interferes at all, in the end no matter what admin brings in or how the legendary buyer bot does its buying it all would need to under-go the live trail of citizens across eRep to stabilize and form into a economy where people like myself start setting the norm for certain products and wages, now when something like adding a country or adding a product get suddenly added to the whole affair one could look at it by taking water and throwing it on hot oil.(don't try this at home)

Now, we have a big contributing factor, our ghost clients/bot being eliminated from the equation and yet again we have disaster, eRep is now under a great depression, should admin fail to respond I feel a downward spiral would befall the already unstable loyalty player base currently keeping eRep alive....

I would ask eReps economy module admin to go back to school or at the very least get someone qualified to handle it or at the very least, read a book about it!!

I know nothing about economics but even I know more than you.....

So now I'll look forward to the 30 votes I'd probably get( being very very optimistic here) while I'll review my workforce seeing who to fire and who to keep as my cash flow disappears...

Oh one last thing, Change that damn financial slogan of yours, the financial crisis is already here...