What I wrote in the survey.

Day 1,452, 16:33 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by Sarcastic.Grin

Dear eRepublic team,
Generally I like the game. I have some proposal for your next update.

1. The huge difference in the strength of the players.
The basic idea of getting stronger with your playing is normal and it’s integrated in all the games. But here is one big difference which can’t be overcome in time between the young players and the those players who have started the game before 2 ot 3 years. You can think about finding a solution of that problem. For example: If you are 1st level and you train – you get 5 strength and 100 % bonus = 10 strength; If you are 10th level - you get 5 strength and 90 % bonus = 9,5 strength; : If you are 35th level and you train – you get 5 strength and 75 % bonus = 8,75 strength. Over level 100 (not a lot of people are gonna reach it 😉 – u will not get a bonus!

2. The political module
There are a lot of things that can be improved. At the moment I can point a few (just to mention that I’ve never been Member of the parliament or Minister, or President).
There should be something like a black list for unsuccessful politics. If you go to that black list you can’t be candidate in elections for 6 months. That black list will be for people who have done an epic fail, betrayers, left the parliament or not voting, who had stolen money from the government bank, etc.
On the second place you can do something like a tombola. In each country 20% of the members of the parliament will be chosen random from the players who are over 25th level and have at least 2 hard worker medals. In that way the political module will be interesting for more players who don’t want to participate in political parties.
One more thing there should be a Court in each country. This institutions will control the action of the players, how they trade…etc.. If the Court decides that someone is guilty the members of the Court can put a sign in a player profile that he has been convicted for a year.

3. War module
It’s stupid that only the number of users in one country determine its power. In the future that could be a huge problem. Image that China (or any other country) has a “baby boom” of 1 000 000 users. It will be disaster for eWorld. What I suggest is when there is a battle and if the country (the one that attacks) has more than double population to have - 50 % penalty in the damage which it and its allies inflict.

4. Days off
There should be a vacation for the players in the game. Nobody can work or fight 365 days in the year. I suggest to put in 5 “days off” in the year for each player. For example: You have worked 18 days in a row. On the 19th and the day after you can’t play, so you “take a 2 days off” so on the next day you will work again but there will be no interruption – you will be working for 21st day in a row. And you’ll have 3 more free days during that year. After you have used this 5 days – there will be an interruption and start to work from day 1.

That’s a quick article for the possible changes in the game.