What I Would Like to See Accomplished

Day 946, 19:22 Published in Belgium Belgium by Thore Thoreson

Just a small sampling so you know where I stand on the various issues.


1) A stable tax structure that promotes manufacturing and trade, along with a stable peg and minimum wage that promotes confidence and long-term investment.
2) A Q1 state training company to provide jobs for low level workers when there are none available.
3) Help new citizens with free gifts until they can survive on their own.
4) Above all, avoid unnecessary interference in markets to promote competition and low prices.
5) Find new opportunities to expand our foreign markets.


1) Continue as an active member of ENTENTE -- provided it remains a defensive and neutral alliance that respects all of its member states
2) Increase participation in the military by all Citizens
3) Institute a Military Training Program to ensure all Citizens have the minimum knowledge required to perform Home Defense actions, if needed.


1) Promote government transparency.
2) Fix all dysfunctional bureaucratic institutions, such as the ICC and Supreme Court.
3) Encourage thoughtful, meaningful and rational debate that includes all members of the Government, Congress and the Citizens.

And, as always, I encourage any Citizen that has an idea to either bring the idea up on the forum, or pass it to me and I will.