What I want from my government

Day 377, 00:59 Published in USA USA by Peter Green

I would urge the current administration to act now to combat high food prices, and not just by importing foreign food but by creating local, American jobs. America has to provide for its own basic needs such as food and wellness.

My proposal:

- employ low skilled workers in a government owned training company for a maximum period of 10 days. Hereby creating skilled labor for high Q companies and producing food.

- sell the produced food at a fair price, hereby forcing private companies to sell their products at fair prices as well. E.g. 1.70 USD for Q1 food instead of the current 2.30 USD for Q1 food.

- when the crisis is over, the training companies can keep their activities going and build up stock. Then, when prices start to get unreasonably high, government can offer food at a fair price, forcing companies to go under the price of the government. This will help new and old players and avoid an economical crisis for the consumers. When prices start to drop, the government stock should be taken of the market.

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