What I have in Mind (A Interview with myself)

Day 1,695, 09:29 Published in USA USA by DiabloGunner

As many of you know I'm running for Party President of the Conservative Party

Well instead of just talking about what I'm going to do. I'm going to ask myself a question and answer it.

Question-Who do you plan having on your cabinet.

Answer-Well to start off I am going to have Neron Trocki
As my VP the reason being He is a good friend and somebody I can trust.

Next my head recruiter is John William Connor

and a Deputy Recruiter TorrinTheGreat

And two Party Ambassadors Andrew Cameron
and Superstang92

That is all I have chosen right now, but I still have other positions.

Question-What is your main goal for the Conservative Party?

Answer-My Main goal is to get us into the top 5, now in a month this is not really possible unless one of the top 5 parties loses a lot of members.

Question-What is your plan for the community of the Conservative Party?

Answer-I plan on making it fun to be in the Conservative Party I don't know yet how I will do that, but I am fairly sure it will be.

That is all but if you have any more Questions feel free to ask them in the Comments.

And Vote Alleyrat for Party President of the Conservative Party