What I did in Congress

Day 3,168, 12:43 Published in USA Ireland by Hanzio

This is just an update. Over the coarse of the month while in Congress I did a few things.

I proposed a discussion about uniting the entire country into a communist military state, but that was not received well because most people don't know how to play the game. I voted 'meh' on the airstrike on FYROM because we have MPP laws for a reason. The forum is currently down but I also motioned for embargoing Macedonia and Bulgaria, because why not, right? I supported an effort to setup Aircraft Communes for the USAF though it seems to be non-viable with the gold offered by a citizen.

I hope to get re-elected to Congress next month. If you have a vote to give send it to the USWP we have a bunch of people running. If the forum was still up I might have made a motion to drop our Mutual Protection Pact with the Swedes. But alas I will have to wait for next term.