What Happened To My eRepublik?

Day 1,299, 23:05 Published in Romania Croatia by Boggys

This article belnogs to Salinger, you can see the original here.

I don’t want more Gold.
I don’t want five free grain fields or food factories.
I don’t want a Town Center or a +50 health building.
In fact, I don’t want the 16 buildings I have now.
I don’t want 10 candy bars.
I don’t want 2-for-1 specials on gold, land and company upgrades.
I don’t want a major change every month.
I don’t want the guy who joined yesterday to be as productive as I am.
I don’t want to be able to afford a week’s worth of supplies with 20$.
I don’t want to look through pages of garbage to find some good articles.

Damn it, I just want my old game back.
I want opening and running a business to be a challenging thing to do.
I want to be either a manager or a worker, not both.
I want other people to buy my products, not just use them myself.
I want my top 5 articles back.
I want my e-money to be worth something.

I want you stop be so damn greedy, Plato. You may think that showering new players with all of the game’s features at once makes the game better. It does not. Starting out small- as a low-wage employee- gives you reason to want to advance. Using strategy to achieve personal goals WAS the game. It was what made me fall in love with eRepublik. I wanted to be a GM, so I worked and I worked to get the money. I opened my own gift shop after months of hard labour and guess what? I was thrilled. Trust me, if I started out with a bunch of free companies and the same work skill as everyone else, I wouldn’t be here today.

I refuse to see the game I once enjoyed so much die because its administrators don’t understand what fun is.

Plato, your players want the ability to progress, to climb the social ladder. They want STRATEGY.

I want strategy. I want MY eRepublik.