What does EDEN lack?

Day 1,338, 18:16 Published in Romania Romania by Smara

Good morning, Good afternoon and Good evening! (cover all timetables - checked)

It’s a fair Thursday early morning, the wind is blowing softly removing those heat waves from our memory and offers any writer a proper climate to write (even a not so skillfull writer such as myself). By now, many of you are wondering why isn’t this dudette getting to the point already... I mean, you surely must be expecting some kind of an analysis, not a weather report for sure.

You ask, I deliver or maybe I tease, you ask, I deliver. The last one sounds just right (I haven’t written in a while so I need some type to get used to the keyboard)

Main idea-> The title is pretty self-explanatory - I believe that EDEN lacks something (besides a huge Baby Boom - and to all you Math obsessed freaks out there, sorry to dissapoint, but it’s not an article with calculus or formulas).

Before I reveal my awesome idea about what’s missing, I will make a short summary regarding what we have as an alliance.

1. Smart people in charge with making plans - checked!
2. People (ocassionally) fighting on orders - checked!
3. Tanks - checked!

Oh... goodie! We rule... wait, we don’t ? How come? ONE is stronger. Interesting argument. What can we do about that?
A. EPIC baby boom
B. Ninja writing

Ninja writing - trolling, trolling, trolling. Basically, every alliance is compiled out of different people that have different ideas on how the game should, on how important they are or their country is. This melting pot is bound to have a few lumps - we have scandals in EDEN, they have in ONE => Rhetoric question time! IF they have scandals, why don’t we use it to our advantage? Elementary, my dear eRepublik user, we don’t have good quality trolls.

My super awesome amazing incredible unbelievable plan can be summarized in a few words. What the … let’s make it into a motto: FOR A BETTER EDEN, BRING YOUR INNER TROLL TO THE LIGHT! or IF YOU WANT EDEN TO SHINE, TROLL ONE HARD!

Let’s take X - a random ONE use. If X’s depressed, close to commiting suicide, X won’t be able to fight, right? Let’s use the herd mentality in our favour, if one’s depressed, soon more will follow! So, start trolling!

I TROLL, do you?

You earn the right to see a nice cute troll for bearing with me!