What do we want and what do we need are two different things

Day 3,055, 03:50 Published in Romania Republic of Moldova by Highfather

Ok, so today is April Fool's day and Plato decided to make a special 1 day only event to bring a bit of fun to the game and guess what happened?
Torches everywhere, angry mobs with pitchforks rioting all over the eWorld and suddenly everyone wanted an opportunity to crucify the admins, while I (and a few other open-minded players) laughed at the spectacle...

and so on...

After the trololol moment I was left with a deja-vu reaction that pushed me into writing this article about the community massive protests and the damaging impact they always had on the game although many of you will probably hang me by in the "eTown Square" for this review...

I insist on the fact that this is MY perspective of how things happened and what, I BELIEVE, were the actions we did to cause everything to go wrong. I saw alot of articles pointing on Plato's mistakes and bad decisions(even I tossed many potatoes in my eLife at him), but no one wanted to look from his perspective, nobody wanted to analyze what he/her would have done if he/her wore his shoes. I am not defending him, I am just stating that WE, as a community SHARE a good part of the blame for misleading the admins away from our true desires (mostly because we did not focus our thoughts on what we really wanted, nor needed in that time but also because of the fact that we didn't truly understand our desires)...

How the community acte😛

In the last months of V1 everyone was over-complaining about how only the last hour of a battle was meaningful, how a BH was more of a waste then an actual gain, how the actual user experience in the game was limited to a few strategic clicks at a certain time, how it became boring and how they would like a more interactive way of playing and all sorts of "We want a change in the game!" "The game interface is getting old, we want new features and way to close the strength and rank gap between us and older players" (yes, that existed too then, but in a different way from today). So Plato tried to satisfy the unsettled demands of the community by implementing a way more complex version of the game, where the individual citizen choices would have a much powerful impact on the outcome of the game experience, where one citizen's action could dictated the fate of a battle, or the current fate of a community so V2 was born...

Plato's reaction

After many critics and a hard-to-adapt reaction of the majority of eRepublik citizens and reactions such as: "This is not what we asked for, we don't want this", "Everything is too darn` complicated", "Plato, you've broken this! "Plato fix that!" "Plato bring back V1" Plato decided to give the players what they asked for (a bit premature and early and without a solid exact cause, I admit it) and brought eRepublik Rising, a huge change that permitted players to recover energy frequently during a day, under a specified limit instead of recovering it only once/day with food and houses which changed the whole military module boosting an overconsumption of resources and an exaggerated individual impact over a battle(slowly degradating the military module); the introduction of Work as Manager which lead to overproduction and prices downfall(which eventually killed the economic module) and many disastrous changes (fully described in this very good article by Gnilraps ) that lead to an eTime where everything started decaying in a continuously hard-to-undo way... Although full scale changes were scarce since Rising we saw many in-reply-to-player-protests changes over the years, but the game never recovered, instead it kept on decaying...

As I stated before, ALL of these changes were reactions to community's mass discontent with the way the game was, I will argument only some of the controversial changes implemented, because if each of you will analyze all of them, you will draw the same conclusion (community protests about a feature => admins tried to find a suitable change/fix in response):
- the community wanted some compensations from the game for all the food, weapons and energy bars consumed while fighting so the admins made the weekly challenges
- the community wanted a way to help both the new players and the low strength players to count on the battlefield so the admins introduced the bazookas
- the community to continuously influence the outcome of a campaign, instead of only in the final moments of it (as it was in V1) so the battlefield first switched to a tactical war zone map (V2), then to multiple 1800 points battles until one side accumulated the 8 wins necessary to win the campaign.
- the community wanted to loosen up the over populated battles which lead to frequent server crashes so the admins introduced Divisions based on experience level
- the community wanted a way to coordinate in which battle the fighters hit their given supplies so the admins created the Combat Orders

So eRepublik community, stop saying that admins don't care about this game, because you can't be more wrong... Each and every time you complained about something, Plato tried to come with his best possible solution from all the data you gave him about the problem, they weren't always what you actually needed, but they were always what you asked for... Instead of raging and engaging in destructive criticism and insulting protests, why not try to focus on constructive ones? Try to guide them into providing you with the preferred changes, after analyzing the problems, not just abuse the power of pointing a finger... Help them with advices and your view of possible solutions, but FIRST of all THINK if what you want coincides with what you actually need because if it doesn't then you shouldn't even bother to want a change that leads to an even worse scenario...

With outmost respect,
your devoted citizen,
