What do I stand for?

Day 1,338, 05:50 Published in Australia Australia by Timeoin

Because someone stole my seat...

Seriously though - vote for me on the 25th. I'm running in Queensland.

You know me, you know what I stand for. I'm experienced, and I get the job done.

Also - Queensland is now the capital of eAustralia. I have no objections to this either 🙂

Clearly, this is a result of the embarrasing state of affairs regarding State of Origin 🙂

That is beside the point though. I am very active in my senatorial duties. I am a very big proponent of an open government, and I believe that only way that our country can move forward is if both the Senate and the Cabinet work closely together. This I have been pushing for all month (Without much success so far, as we have a very "transparent" government right now).

Don't take my word for it though. Take the Deputy Prime Minister's OWN words instea😛

Annyways, moving right along 🙂

The only real question left is ...

What is voting for Timeoin, and how can I get involved?

Thanks for reading, and remember to vote and subscribe!