What Defines TCO

Day 1,557, 12:11 Published in Canada Canada by davidjonestoo

What Defines TCO

For me the definition of TCO can be found through IRC and PM’s. Which ever one you choose to communicate through, you are always treated with respect and camaraderie.
From the beginning of “Brucks Canucks” to the present day it has been a pleasure to be involved with such a great bunch of people.
For those who don’t know, before there were MU’s, there was Brucks Canucks, started by a handful of the greats of this game.
Things have changed since then, including obviously, the name, but we still are the best MU to be a part of. When you have a question, whether big or small, someone in TCO has the answer. There is no such thing as a dumb question either. When you are trying to fight a geographical take-over, someone always has extra supplies for anyone in need. We still can change the wave of a battle, but in all honesty, watching the wall fall in V1 was awesome, we could change the outcome of a battle in the last 3 minutes.....remember on IRC...T-3, it was great. We still do it today but not with quite as much banter.
During the early days I was on the receiving end of the handouts from some people and I appreciated it very much, I remember TemujinBC seeing me come on IRC and saying, “I have been waiting to see you, got something special for you tonight”, then getting donations of Q5 weapons. That was great back then, now I try to donate to others as Tem did for me, or to TCO supply line.

There have been some sad times in TCO as well, like when we lose a friend, but again we are there for each other. Nothing is insurmountable.

In closing, join TCO.... because we RULE.