What a month!

Day 885, 15:19 Published in Thailand Thailand by Jimmy_Miller

The Thai economy is really starting to boom, the lowest gift prices in the world are found in Thailand, our Q1 food is lower than that found in the US amongst others and our housing industry is regularly competitive generating sizeable tax revenues given their high ticket nature.

Our population is at its highest levels and we have welcomed into our ranks several highly active players in recent weeks, allowing political depth beyond the Central Bank, Thailand embassy, Thai armed forces and for my own contribution over the past few months the MoF. The further development of our military and forthcoming social services programs add an additional depth to Thailand.

As the most active among you know forthcoming exams mean that I will be a little less active in the coming weeks and am stepping down from my post heading up the MoF for a one month period. I am also reducing my company workload and selling my Ticket company, FFL Tickets for just 19 gold, available on the companies for sale list which will help free up a little time. The new economic module could provide many new challenges for business owners and citizens are encouraged to buy companies (existing ones where available at a good price) to help Thailand gather further momentum, however given my other business ventures and time constraints and would love to find a good home for what has been a very nice business for me.

My final point is a forward looking one, the forthcoming congress elections. I have been asked to run for Congress in Central Thailand this month, my residing region and one which I am currently a congress member from. One of the key reasons to Thailand being a 3 state country for the time being is one of political stability, since congress is only 30 seats as a result. As a Thai citizen since the week we regained our independence in late 2009 and a 5 time congressman here I hope that I am looked on by my fellow Thai citizens as a reliable candidate and one that will serve his country well. Our country has made great steps forward in the past month and I believe with the right government in place the role of the state in Thailand will continue to improve. It is therefore my aim to campaign for Gates Schellinger to be president next month, to use proposals wisely, to recruit the most useful citizens and to offer my opinion in forum debates and continue to be a regular (some may say too regular) visitor to the IRC to help players feel at home in Thailand.

Together let’s continue to build a stronger future

Thai Military Party – Central Thailand