What's with "Lefty"?

Day 1,207, 13:46 Published in USA Singapore by Lefty from Mulberry St

I have become angry at myself. I've sat in my basement smoke smoke smoking, reading articles and BSing around on eRep. This is why I started my two clicking spree. I am disgusted with the world I live in, and have set out to better the world. I am 26 years old and am the oldest member of my family, I would be alone in this world if it where not for The Great Architect of the Universe, my 2 sons and my friends on eRepublik. I have suffered another great loss today. I failed to help a sick woman receive the help she needs, and will likely not have the chance to help her again. Smoke smoke smoking has been a part of my past for almost two weeks now, and I volunteer my time to my city's Narcotics Enforcement Unit.

Last night, I was informed of what would unfold for me today, and due to the fact that I am standing against what seems to be the entire world, I called it my darkest hour and shouted to that affect. "This is my darkest hour. If there is anyone out there that has concern for me, PM me now." I received a greater outpouring of care and support from all over eRepublik than ever before, and it kept me strong, I stayed on track and have not let the weight of the world crush me.

At 15 years old I held a gun to my head, a trusty .38 revolver that has never failed me, (I used to lead a very different life) I squeezed, it jammed and I took it as a sign that I was needed on Earth. Since then I've survived and walked away from a 55 mph accident with no seatbelt due to a tree jumping out in front of me, I've been imprisoned on false charges twice resulting in about 2 years of incarceration, which has served to reinforce my feeling that I am protected because the world needs me.

I've bared my soul here, in this online game, and the support I've received has been tremendous. I will continue my two clicking spree until I feel I have made enough of a difference to be able to play eRep without guilt.

Fight the good fight, for the right reasons my fellow New Worlders. I am and will continue to. The world needs you, more than you may ever know. So fight and fight hard, never quit, never falter, and if you do, fight harder.

BTW: I'm going to be catching up with my companies, MM transactions and so forth today. I need employees, although wages don't meet the current job market listing, they will reflect your production and it's worth in the marketplace. PM me I'm eReping today.