What's Great About Eire Aonair

Day 1,643, 12:46 Published in Ireland Ireland by Ian E Coleman

Est. 2010
Thirtieth Edition: Sunday, May 20, 2012

I invite members of other political parties to write their own "What's Great Aout My Party" articles, to encourage some political activity and learn something about each others parties. If you're a member of Eire Aonair, feel free to publish one about EA aswell.

The foundations of Eire Aonair are the very strongest. Created on March 17, 2011, we stand before you among the oldest surviving political parties in eIreland. And today we stand by the very same values and principles that we did more than a year ago. Our resolve has never wavered, and we have never compromised our integrity for the sake of becoming more popular. Eire Aonair is not like other parties in eRepublik. We are more than the members who stand behind our banner. We aren't about roll playing, getting into congress, creating divides, or being in the top five.

Treating It As A Game

So then what are we about? Eire Aonair is about encouraging a national culture that approaches this game in a healthy way. At its core, Eire Aonair is about being honest and respectful and trying to have some fun. It's an attitude and an understanding. We're about unity between all of eIreland, and between eIreland and the rest of the New World. Comprehending that this is just a game, and that no matter what side you're playing on, or which ideology you choose to represent, even our enemies in this game can be our friends in real life. And we also want to create a gaming culture that is inclusive, friendly, and that allows for a rich and fulfilling real life by encouraging casual gameplay as much as hardcore.

Taking Responsibility For Yourself

Eire Aonair is also about taking responsibility for yourself. It isn't our mandate to police the nation and point fingers at those who misbehave. But by being a member of Eire Aonair you take on the responsibility to represent the principles and values that the party stands for. This means doing a good job in any position you're elected or appointed to, being honest and fair in your dealings with other players, and generally being a nice person. The only person that you're accountable to in this respect is yourself, but we believe that it's a kind of self gratifying experience. The hope is that the population of eIreland recognizes this commitment to being trustworthy and honest, and rewards individuals on that basis.

Being Open To All Ideologies

In line with the concepts above, Eire Aonair is a center-wing party. We welcome members of broad ideologies, and have been home to great citizens of the far-left, far-right, and center. We are libertarian in that we support all citizens rights to free-speech and thought, and in that we believe in an economically, militarily, and politically free nation with government that does not actively punish any ideology with their policies.

Real Concrete Political Discourse

Despite being an independent party at heart, Eire Aonair does have active political stances on some issues. These are stances are developed through discussion amongst party members. Eire Aonair is unique in the regard that it has political positions, and is largely unique in having a constitution and a clear and objective political stance - even as this stance is very accommodating to a wide spectrum of ideologies.

Example of Political Stance

An example of one of Eire Aonair's political stances:
The position that the in game territory of Northern Ireland is the accepted natural territory of the UK and a natural military target of eIreland for strategic reasons rather than real life historical ones.

A Resilient Party

In the past, Eire Aonair has faced political take-over, has resisted, and lived on. We have developed large economic projects designed to create more efficient communes or design collectives to more quickly buy citizens new factories. We have had political and economic think tanks aimed and analyzing the fairness and effectiveness of tax policies or political practices. We have a history of active and open discussion and betterment of the community. We have a strong and time tested history, and a tradition of greatness.

The Sleeping Giant

In the changes that this game has undergone, and in the restructuring of the political module and political scene, Eire Aonair has become a sleeping giant. Political parties themselves have lost much of their relevance. But I write this article, to remind eIreland that Eire Aonair transcends the political module and politics in eIreland. I write this article, to promise the continued survival of this great legacy and to inspire our community to support and become a part of this party's bright future. I want to thank the many great citizens who have contributed to the party. I have been extremely lucky to work with so many great people ranging from proponents of the far-left to those on the extremes of the right and all those in-between. Hail eIreland, and long live Eire Aonair.

Yours Truly,
Ian E Coleman

Member of Eire Aonair

I invite members of other political parties to write their own "What's Great Aout My Party" articles, to encourage some political activity and learn something about each others parties. If you're a member of Eire Aonair, feel free to publish one about EA aswell.

Forum: eireaonair.userboard.net
Wiki Page: Eire Aonair @ the wiki
eRep Page:Eire Aonair
Video:Eire Aonair @ YouTube