What 'Mother' Russia and 'Great' Bulgaria means in erepublik.....

Day 1,592, 05:30 Published in China China by Daniel Au Yeung

What means Mother Russia and Great Bulgaria in erepublik

Today Bulgarian situation

1. Mother Russia in Polandball perspective:

Russia shows the world how greatness mother's love is. She protect Bulgaria from enemy invasion.

2. Great Bulgaria

Learn RL history, See this : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Great_Bulgaria

Great Bulgaria was а term used by Byzantine historians to refer to Onoguria (Bulgar) during the reign of the Bulgar ruler Kubrat in the 7th century north of the Caucasus mountains in the steppe between the Dniester and Lower Volga.

Great Bulgaria in RL history:

Great Bulgaria in erepublik:

Hail 'Great Bulgaria'!! They made it!

Former modern Bulgarian territory will be ceded to Greece, so Greece can set up Roman province of Moesia in order to restore Byzantine Emipre! Meanwhile, Bulgarian will restore Great Bulgaria in erepublik in Russian territory.